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АннотацияIntegration of the new, the old and the precedent knowledge is determined by the construction of a universal scientific text. New knowledge, verbalized on the text plane is a detailed, compositional voice structure, representing the substantive content of the resulting knowledge. Verbalized new knowledge is thesemanticcoreofallthetextinitsmainphases-theproblems,ideas,hypotheses,evidence,conclusion. The old knowledge arises at the intersection of two contexts - “own” and “ foreign”. The old knowledge demonstrates the history of the problem, solutions to scientific problems, expresses the connection with the previous concepts, the author explicates belonging to this or that scientific school, represents the utterance. Types of textual representation of the old knowledge are defined by cognitive and communicative functions. Verbal markers of the old knowledge introduction are verbs of speech and thought for another’s speech The precedent knowledge can be considered as one of the mechanisms of formation and preservation of scientific tradition. These are not just signs of entire texts, which are equivalent in meaning and significant personal marks, as indicated by anthroponomy contained therein. The emergence of case contexts in scientific publications testifies anthropomorphization and personification of science, i.e., scientist’s name - the subject of a precedent - at some point begins to identify with one’s concept, it is included in the “golden fund” of science and becomes a sign of scientific knowledge. In epistemological terms precedent is a typical compression technique of the old knowledge with the purpose of its preservation, compression and further scientific accumulation.
УДК81, 22
Popova, TaisiaG. VERBALIZATION OF KNOWLEDGE STRUCTURES OF SPANISH SCIENTIFIC TECHNICAL TEXT / TaisiaG. Popova // Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Гуманитарные науки. Journal of Siberian Federal University, Humanities& Social Sciences .— 2017 .— №1 .— С. 89-98 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/581740 (дата обращения: 14.07.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Humanities & Social Sciences 1 (2017 10) 89-98 ~ ~ ~ УДК 81, 22 Verbalization of Knowledge Structures of Spanish Scientific Technical Text Taisia G. Popova* People’s Friendship University of Russia 3 Ordzhonikidze Str., Moscow, 115419, Russia Received 18.11.2016, received in revised form 15.12.2016, accepted 12.01.2017 Integration of the new, the old and the precedent knowledge is determined by the construction of a universal scientific text. <...> New knowledge, verbalized on the text plane is a detailed, compositional voice structure, representing the substantive content of the resulting knowledge. <...> Verbalization of Knowledge Structures of Spanish Scientific Technical Text Verbalizacion del conocimiento del texto espaсol cientifico–tecnico Taisia G. Popova Universidad Rusa de la Amistad de los Pueblos, Calle Ordzhonikidze, dom. 3, 115419 Moscъ, Rusia La integraciуn de la verbalizaciуn del conocimiento nuevo, viejo y precedente determina la construcciуn universal del texto cientнfico - tйcnico. <...> Se analizan sus funciones, sus marcadores discursivos, se forma el mecanismo de la intertextualidad y la continuidad. <...> Palabras claves: intertextualidad, texto cientнfico, discurso, conocimiento nuevo, conocimiento viejo, conocimiento precedente, marcadores discursivos. <...> Cada texto representa un tejido nuevo insertado en las citas viejas. (R. Barthes) Introducciуn El tйrmino de “la intertextualidad” apareciу en el siglo pasado de las dйcadas 60 - 70 del siglo XX. <...> El punto de partida para el desarrollo de la teorнa de intertextualidad fueron las ideas de M. M. Bakhtin sobre «las voces ajenas» y «loguismo» y su concepciуn de la «novela polifуnica», donde se revela el fenуmeno del diбlogo del texto con otros textos anteriores y paralelos en el tiempo (Bakhtin, 1979, p. 434). <...> J. Kristeva en el ensayo titulado «Le mot, le dialogue et le roman», consagrado a Bakhtin, expresa <...>