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Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Гуманитарные науки. Journal of Siberian Federal University, Humanities& Social Sciences  / №1 2017


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Первый авторKulikova
АннотацияThe paper deals with the concept of intercultural paternalism and its discursive realization in the multi-cultural context of modern migration societies (on the communicative-linguistic material of the German-speaking area) On the basis of theoretical generalizations and collected empirical data the author considers the possibility of classifying the discursive practices of paternalism in correlation with institutional and non-institutional spheres of its existence, pragmatics of intercultural situations and differentiation of the communicants’ role positions. The study reveals the essence of discourse processing of the paternalistic actions and, on the example of the author’s cases, the means of discourse processing in the situations of interaction of the actants with different cultural conventionality are described in detail. The attention is focused on the need to change the behavioral patterns in power structures, migration services, educational and social organizations in the conditions of new social realities. The main methods of the conducted mini-research are overt observation, interview, case-method, study of the specialized scientific literature and German-language press publications, media space monitoring.
Kulikova, LyudmilaV. DISCURSIVE PRACTICES OF INTERCULTURAL PATERNALISM IN MODERN MIGRATION SOCIETIES IN THE GERMAN-SPEAKING AREA / LyudmilaV. Kulikova // Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Гуманитарные науки. Journal of Siberian Federal University, Humanities& Social Sciences .— 2017 .— №1 .— С. 47-58 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/581735 (дата обращения: 14.07.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Humanities & Social Sciences 1 (2017 10) 47-58 ~ ~ ~ УДК 81’42 Discursive Practices of Intercultural Paternalism in Modern Migration Societies in the German-Speaking Area Lyudmila V. Kulikova* Siberian Federal University 79 Svobodny, Krasnoyarsk, 660041, Russia Received 02.12.2016, received in revised form 15.12.2016, accepted 11.01.2017 The paper deals with the concept of intercultural paternalism and its discursive realization in the multi-cultural context of modern migration societies (on the communicative-linguistic material of the German-speaking area). <...> On the basis of theoretical generalizations and collected empirical data the author considers the possibility of classifying the discursive practices of paternalism in correlation with institutional and non-institutional spheres of its existence, pragmatics of intercultural situations and differentiation of the communicants’ role positions. <...> The study reveals the essence of discourse processing of the paternalistic actions and, on the example of the author’s cases, the means of discourse processing in the situations of interaction of the actants with different cultural conventionality are described in detail. <...> The attention is focused on the need to change the behavioral patterns in power structures, migration services, educational and social organizations in the conditions of new social realities. <...> Keywords: paternalistic discourse in multi-cultural societies, forms and contexts of paternalism, discourse processing of paternalistic practices, stages of discourse processing. <...> All rights reserved * Corresponding author E-mail address: info_ifiyak@sfu-kras.ru – 47 – Lyudmila V. Kulikova. <...> Discursive Practices of Intercultural Paternalism in Modern Migration Societies in the… Diskursive Praktiken des interkulturellen Paternalismus in den modernen Migrationsgesellschaften (am Beispiel des deutschsprachigen Raums) Ljudmila W. Kulikowa Sibirische Fцderale Universitдt 79 Swobodnyj, Krasnoyarsk, 660041, Russia Der vorliegende Beitrag, der dem Thema des interkulturellen Paternalismus gewidmet ist, hat folgende Ziele: - die kritische Auseinandersetzung mit dem Begriff Paternalismus und seiner Begriffsentwicklung in der modernen Integrationsdebatte; - die Erlдuterung der diskursiv-kommunikativen Dimension des Phдnomens Paternalismus; - die Analyse der Formen der paternalistischen Beziehungen in den Situationen der interkulturell bedingten Kommunikation. <...> Im theoretischen Input des Beitrags wird Paternalismus als diskursives Phдnomen modelliert, mit Bezug auf Prozesse der Ausarbeitung und Behandlung der kommunikativen Irrationalitдt des <...>

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* - вычисляется автоматически