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Первый авторKhalidov
АннотацияThe paper is devoted to the study of language ecology of the North Caucasus in the context of language policy. The following problems have been identified among the main ecolinguistic issues: many languages of the peoples of Russia are facing the threat of extinction or are endangered; the actual ethnic composition of the population and the number of languages in the country have not been identified yet; in the conditions of irresistible globalization there is little chance of small ethnic groups’ languages survival, the groups having neither written language nor the language of official status; ethnicity is doomed to extinction as their language is falling out of use, yet it is the main bearer of the cultural code of the people. The paper concludes that the threat to the Russian language and culture from other peoples and their cultures seems exaggerated. In relation to the urgency of preserving the Russian language as the state language and the language of interethnic communication in the country as a whole as well as in the republics, it is vital to consider the importance of preservation of all the languages spoken by the peoples of Russia and create the conditions for their further development.
Khalidov, AysaI. ECOLINGUISTIC PROBLEMS OF THE NORTH CAUCASUS IN THE CONTEXT OF LANGUAGE POLICY / AysaI. Khalidov // Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Гуманитарные науки. Journal of Siberian Federal University, Humanities& Social Sciences .— 2017 .— №1 .— С. 25-39 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/581733 (дата обращения: 14.07.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Humanities & Social Sciences 1 (2017 10) 25-39 ~ ~ ~ УДК 81:119 Ecolinguistic Problems of the North Caucasus in the Context of Language Policy Aysa I. Khalidov* Chechen State Pedagogical University 33 Kievskaia Str., Grozny, 364907, Russia Received 13.12.2016, received in revised form 26.12.2016, accepted 15.01.2017 The paper is devoted to the study of language ecology of the North Caucasus in the context of language policy. <...> The following problems have been identified among the main ecolinguistic issues: many languages of the peoples of Russia are facing the threat of extinction or are endangered; the actual ethnic composition of the population and the number of languages in the country have not been identified yet; in the conditions of irresistible globalization there is little chance of small ethnic groups’ languages survival, the groups having neither written language nor the language of official status; ethnicity is doomed to extinction as their language is falling out of use, yet it is the main bearer of the cultural code of the people. <...> The paper concludes that the threat to the Russian language and culture from other peoples and their cultures seems exaggerated. <...> In relation to the urgency of preserving the Russian language as the state language and the language of interethnic communication in the country as a whole as well as in the republics, it is vital to consider the importance of preservation of all the languages spoken by the peoples of Russia and create the conditions for their further development. <...> Keywords: language, languages of the peoples of the Caucasus, language situation, the ecology of language, language policy. <...> In our country these issues are a matter of responsibility for those who are far from science (at least from linguistics and ecolinguistics, in particular). <...> Moreover, even the experts often sacrifice scientific objectivity for political considerations and interests of their ethnic group. <...> So, there is no doubt that the discussion of the problems remains urgent and necessary since it is impossible to develop a proper Aysa I. Khalidov. <...> Ecolinguistic Problems of the North Caucasus in the Context of Language Policy national language policy, meeting the interests of all ethnic groups, without it. <...> Ecolinguistic problems of the North Caucasus have already been considered in a number of the author’s previous publications (refer to (Khalidov, 20122 20131 ; Khalidov, 20123 ; Khalidov, 20132 the purpose of this article <...>