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Первый авторChistova
АннотацияThe article reveals the role of distance learning in modern educational process, evaluates the effectiveness of LMS Moodle platform. Analyzing an available ‘Russian as a foreign language’ distance course the author concludes there is a lack of such educational resources in spite of a great interest and demand. The paper describes a pilot experience of the SibFU on launching the “Distance Course of Business Russian”. The article provides a course structure, teaching software, detailed description of the elements and tools used to achieve educational goals. There is a part devoted to the forms of monitoring and evaluation off-campus. The ways of assessment for learning, assessment as learning and assessment of learning in Moodle are described. All the stages of the course realization, starting from recruitment and students’ registration, ending with technical difficulties and recommendations to improve the course are demonstrated; statistics and learning dynamics are also provided. Chinese students’ impressions and suggestions as well as future prospects of the author’s work are of particular interest
Chistova, ElenaV. “DISTANCE COURSE OF BUSINESS RUSSIAN”: E-LEARNING PILOT EXPERIENCE / ElenaV. Chistova // Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Гуманитарные науки. Journal of Siberian Federal University, Humanities& Social Sciences .— 2017 .— №1 .— С. 5-15 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/581731 (дата обращения: 14.07.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Humanities & Social Sciences 1 (2017 10) 5-15 ~ ~ ~ УДК 37.091.315.7:81.161.1 “Distance Course of Business Russian”: E-learning Pilot Experience Elena V. Chistova* Siberian Federal University 79 Svobodny, Krasnoyarsk, 660041, Russia Received 29.11.2016, received in revised form 15.12.2016, accepted 11.01.2017 The article reveals the role of distance learning in modern educational process, evaluates the effectiveness of LMS Moodle platform. <...> Analyzing an available ‘Russian as a foreign language’ distance course the author concludes there is a lack of such educational resources in spite of a great interest and demand. <...> The article provides a course structure, teaching software, detailed description of the elements and tools used to achieve educational goals. <...> The ways of assessment for learning, assessment as learning and assessment of learning in Moodle are described. <...> All the stages of the course realization, starting from recruitment and students’ registration, ending with technical difficulties and recommendations to improve the course are demonstrated; statistics and learning dynamics are also provided. <...> Chinese students’ impressions and suggestions as well as future prospects of the author’s work are of particular interest. <...> Keywords: online learning, metric, Russian as a foreign language, business communication, interactivity, education abroad. <...> All rights reserved * Corresponding author E-mail address: echistova@sfu-kras.ru – 5 – 但是该领域还处于待开 Elena V. Chistova. “Distance Course of Business Russian”: E-learning Pilot Experience 发状态.在论文的主体部分介绍了西伯利亚联邦 大学在中国教育市场引进远程教育课程《商务 俄语》的经验.文章提供了课程结构,教学法保 证, 以及对用于实现教学目标的教学元素和资 源的详细描述.有单独的章节阐述远程教育的考 试和评价方式. <...> Moodle系统是实现远程教育的工具 由于受通讯技术的影响,教育当今正在经 历一个重组期.这就促成了理论和实践研究新领 域的形成, 这些领域在国际上被称为e-learning, online learning, computer mediated distance education, Web based training等,这些都是在研 究远程教育的问题. 远程教育是老师和学生在距离上的相互作 用,这一相互作用反映了教育过程的所有典型的 组成部分(目标、 , 内容、方法、组织形式、 教具) 并且这一相互作用是通过专门的网络技术或者 其他方式实现的, 教育——这是一种独立的教学形式.信息技术是 远程教育中的主要工具. <...> Moodle系统是许多现代研究的对象,在 这些研究中这一现象被从不同角度来进行分 析.遥感技术在教育中的作用的定义 (Bloom, Engelhart, Furst, Hill, Krathwohl, 1956; Husiainov, 2014),可能对于理解这一技术的未 来发展前景和克服心理和社会障碍是非常重要 的.遥感技术在这方面已经显示出很多优势(学 生可以自己安排时间,增强有创造力的信息交 流, 这一舒适的环境有利于教学成果, 联系的不稳定性, 习语言是很困难的, 到所学课程的文凭)和缺陷(技术装备水平较 低, 没有沉浸在语言环境中学 对于一些学生来说, 幕来获取信息是很困难的, 在真实的语言环境中 要更轻松一些,缺乏对学生经常性的监督). <...> Moodle应用于不同 的课程教学中, 研究每个班级使用它的实际效果 (Clark <...>