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Пробелы в российском законодательстве  / №3 2013


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Первый авторСтрельцов Владимир Викторович
АннотацияВ статье отражены проблемные вопросы кадровой политики в условиях реформирования МВД России. Проведен анализ современных тенденций развития правового и статистического регулирования служебной дисциплины в ОВД РФ. Раскрыта актуальность вопроса совершения чрезвычайных происшествий с участием сотрудников ОВД и проблематики его правового регулирования. Аргументировано понятие «статистические данные», определены виды статистической отчетности, использующейся в кадровом обеспечении и по служебной дисциплине в ОВД РФ. В заключение статьи в качестве подтверждения существующей в МВД России проблематики по вопросу служебной дисциплины сотрудников ОВД обозначены наиболее важные критерии состояния служебной дисциплины и приведены данные статистики по каждому из них за период 2001-2012 гг
Стрельцов, В.В. СОВРЕМЕННЫЕ ТЕНДЕНЦИИ РАЗВИТИЯ ПРАВОВОГО И СТАТИСТИЧЕСКОГО РЕГУЛИРОВАНИЯ СЛУЖЕБНОЙ ДИСЦИПЛИНЫ В ОРГАНАХ ВНУТРЕННИХ ДЕЛ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ / В.В. Стрельцов // Пробелы в российском законодательстве .— 2013 .— №3 .— С. 135-140 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/580825 (дата обращения: 13.03.2025)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

CURRENT TRENDS IN THE LEGAL AND STATISTICAL CONTROL OF DISCIPLINE IN THE INTERNAL AFFAIRS OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Streltsov Vladimir Viktorovich, adjunct. <...> E-mail: varayg@inbox.ru Annotation: The paper describes the problematic issues of personnel policy reform in the Russian Interior Ministry. <...> The analysis of the current trends in legal and statistical control of discipline in the police department of the Russian Federation. <...> Urgency of the matter disclosed in the commission of an incident involving the perspective of law enforcement officers and its legal regulation. <...> Made the argument the concept of "statistical data", defines the types of statistical reporting, use of staffing in general and office discipline in the police department of the Russian Federation in particular. <...> In conclusion, the article as a confirmation of the existing problems in the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs on the issue of discipline enforcement officers identified the most important criteria of the state of discipline and shows statistics for each of them during the period from 2001 to 2012.This paper focuses on the analysis and assessment of the state of discipline in the regional offices of the Interior Ministry of Russia in the period from 2001 to 2012. <...> In the article the main constituent elements of the state of discipline territorial Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, as well as the problematic issues in ц .. the field of staffing of the internal affairs of the Russian Federation. <...> Kolokoltchev V.A. Meet the expectations of citizens // Police Russia. – 2013. – Special Issue. – P. 3-5. <...> Guidance document of the President of the Russian Federation of 15.08.2001, the number Pr-1496: Concept of reforming the civil service of the Russian Federation // RRS ConsultantPlus. <...> The concept of reforming the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs: prepared by the Working Group on Reform of the Russian Interior Ministry in January-March 2010, discussed and adopted at the meeting of the Working Group 18.03.2010 // RRS ConsultantPlus. <...> On measures to improve the work of the internal affairs of the Russian Federation: the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 24.12.2009, the number 1468 // RRS ConsultantPlus. <...> On the organization of monitoring the state of discipline and order in the internal affairs of the Russian Federation: the order of the Interior Ministry of 15.03.2013, the number 1/2204 // Special Library of the Academy of the Interior Ministry of Russia. <...> On the declaration of the Russian Interior Ministry board solutions from 15.03.2012, the number 2km "On urgent measures to strengthen the service discipline and the rule of law in the Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation: the order of the Interior Ministry of 23.03.2012, the number 211 // RRS ConsultantPlus. <...> About the priorities of the police and the Interior <...>