ACTUAL QUESTIONS LEGAL REGULATION OF THE PROCEDURE OF SERVICE IN THE BODIES OF INTERNAL AFFAIRS, THE SERVICE TIME AND TIME OF REST OF THE STAFF Majurov Nikolay Petrovich, Dr of law, professor, Honored lawyer of the Russian Federation, police colonel. <...> Position: Head of personnel and educational work chair. <...> Place of employment: Saint-Petersburg University of MIA Russia. <...> E-mail: Bjalt Victor Sergeevich, PhD at law, police major. <...> Position: lecturer at personnel and educational work chair. <...> Place of employment: Saint-Petersburg University of MIA Russia. <...> Email: Annotation: The article is devoted to the analysis of the new legislation on the conditions of the service staff of the internal Affairs bodies. <...> The authors, exploring modern and previously existing legal standards on the problems under consideration, focusing on the characteristics of the newly adopted normative legal acts, and also formulate a number of generalizing the findings related to innovations in the legal framework relating to the order of the passage of the service in bodies of internal Affairs, working time and time of rest of the staff. <...> Literature list: TСО FОНОraХ Laа oП FОbrЮarв 7, 2011 № 3-FZ "On Police". <...> TСО FОНОraХ Laа oП JЮХв 19, 2011 № 247-FZ "On the social guarantees to employees of the Interior of the Russian Federation and introduce changes to some legislative acts of the Russian Federation." TСО FОНОraХ Laа oП NovОmbОr 30, 2011 № 342-FZ "On service in the Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation and amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation." Byalt V. Ushakov, AA Legal regulation of conditions of service in the Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation: Al-bom schemes. - St. Petersburg., 2012. <...> Moral and psychological support operational and service activity but enforcement bodies: training aids / Mayurov NP, Potapov YS, VS Byalt and others - St. Petersburg.: Publishing House of the University of St. Petersburg Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, 2010. <...> The organization works with the staff of the Interior: An Annotated Guide normative legal acts of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs / Mayurov NP, Potapov YS, VS Byalt - St. Petersburg.: Publishing House of the University of St. Petersburg Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, 2010. <...> The organization works with the staff of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation in modern terms: training aids <...>