LEGAL REGULATION OF SALARIES OF ATHLETES AND COACHES Aguzarov Alan Muratovich, postgraduate student at labor law and social security chair. <...> Place of study: Moscow State Law University named after O.E.Kutafin. <...> E-mail: Annotation: This article analyzes the legal regulation of wages athletes and coaches. <...> The authors conclude that the Labor Code needs changes, nationwide law regulating sports federations to establish a maximum wage. <...> Keywords: work of athletes and coaches, salaries, overhead, the maximum wage. <...> Literature list: Actual problems of labor laws in the modernization of the economy: monograph / ES Batusova, IJ Belitskaya, EN Bondarenko et al, Br. <...> Labor relations of the sport. - M.: 2013 Guzieva AI minimum wage as one of the state guarantees in wage labor. <...> Legal status of athletes, coaches, judges and other experts in the field of physical education and sports studies. allowance. <...> ГКТЭsОЯ, В., DI RКСКčШŭ АШrФТЧР ХТПО ТЧ ЭСО аШrХН ШП sports: Features of labor regulation athletes and coaches. <...> AS Leonov The legal regulation of labor Athlete and trainers: problems and prospects of development. <...> Petrov AY Wage system and perfect-existence of their legal regulation / / Problems of Labor Law. , 2011. <...> Указанное сочетание должно основываться на закреплении за каждым уровнем регулирования определенных рамок! <...>