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Пробелы в российском законодательстве  / №3 2013


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Первый авторНурмагамбетов Рашит Габитович
АннотацияСтатья посвящена анализу правовой природы конституционного регулирования. В частности характеризуется роль конституционного регулирования в современном правоведении
Нурмагамбетов, Р.Г. ОБ АНАЛИЗЕ ПРАВОВОЙ ПРИРОДЫ КОНСТИТУЦИОННОГО РЕГУЛИРОВАНИЯ В СОВРЕМЕННОМ ПРАВОВЕДЕНИИ / Р.Г. Нурмагамбетов // Пробелы в российском законодательстве .— 2013 .— №3 .— С. 20-22 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/580796 (дата обращения: 13.03.2025)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

E-mail: orel032@mail.ru Annotation: Article is devoted to the analysis of the legal nature of the constitutional regulation. <...> In particular the role of the constitutional regulation in modern jurisprudence is characterized. <...> J. The concept of "economic constitution" and its practical significance / / constitutional and municipal law. - M. LКавОr, 2010, № 8. - P. 4-6 3. <...> Doroshenko E.N. Constitutional law and economics: the question of the limits of regulation / / Law and Order. 2004. № 7. 5. <...> Eremenko U.P. Constitutional basis of the economic system and the legitimacy - in the book.: Soviet constituЭТШЧ КЧН lОРКlТЭв / NКЮМС.rОН. л VA SКrКЭШЯ, 1982. 6. <...> Kruglov A.N. Constitutional law of the Russian Federation: the manual. <...> Mironov O.O. Constitutional regulation in the developed socialist society / ed. VL Polyakov. <...> Mikhaleva N.A. Theoretical Issues of the socialist constitution (the nature, content, form): Diss . dokt.yurid.nauk. <...> C.18. 22 Constitution and individual rights (the problems of one of the legal properties of the Constitution) / State Power and Human Rights: Proceedings of the conference dedicated to the 80th anniversary of Professor A. Kim (December 14, 2000) / Ed. Ed. VF Volovich. <...> Nekrasov S.I. Constitutional law of the Russian Federation: a manual for bachelors. <...> Osnovin V.S. On some issues of science Soviet state law in the light of the Constitution of the USSR 1977 / / The Constitution of the USSR: problems and gosudarstvovedeniya Soviet construction. - Moscow: Publishing House of the USSR Academy of Sciences IGiP, 1980. 14. <...> Skuratov Y.I. Political relations as the object of constitutional regulation. - In. <...> The constitutional basis for state building: Intercollege. sb.nauch.tr. / Ed. Ed. DN Bachrach, M.I. Kukushkin. <...> Farber I.E. Constitutional relations and their regulation in the Soviet society / / Abstracts of papers and reports on higher education conference on theoretical and methodological problems of legal science. - Chisinau, 1965. - S. 152-154 16. <...> Статья посвящена анализу правовой природы конституционного регулирования. <...>