ON THE CONCEPT UNEMPLOYED IN LABOR LAW Khranovskiy Igor Vitalievich, postgraduate student. place of study: Moscow New law institute. <...> E-mail: ivh777@rambler.ru Annotation: The article focuses on the concept and definition of the status of unemployed. <...> Analyzes the scientific and legal approaches to the concept of the unemployed. <...> Investigated in detail the concept of legal personality of unemployed, as well as each of the conditions for recognition as citizens unemployed. <...> Gavrilin AK ILO Conventions and Russian legislation on employment and job placement. / / Works, howling rТРСЭ. 2001. № 3 3. <...> Azarov, EG, AE Kozlov Personality and Social Security in the USSR. <...> Volume 2: The labor market and employment (legal). <...> MISSCEO Joint Information System Council of Europe's social protection systems. <...> Comparative tables on systems of social protection 18 of the Council of Europe, Australia and Canada. 10th edition. <...> Vlasov, VI, Krapivin OM Comment to the legislation on employment and job placement. <...> Анализируется научный и законодательный подходы к понятию безработного. <...> Подробно исследуется понятие правосубъектности безработного гражданина, а также каждое из условий признания гражданина безработным! <...>