PROBLEMS OF FORMATION OF THE INTERNATIONAL LEGAL STATUS OF THE CONFEDERATIVE STATE Azarov Sergey Olegovich, PhD at law. <...> Annotation: Research is accented on formation of the mechanism of a legal regulation of powers and areas of jurisdiction of a confederative state system within the united countries, educations and the states with which there are contracts, agreements. <...> In article the way of origin of the specified mechanism, a problem arisen at various stages of formation and justification of the directions of their permission, the prevention is traced. <...> Articles of confederation 1781 – 1788: constitutions and acts of the bourgeois states of the XVII-XIX centuries England, USA, France, Italy, Germany: collection of documents. / under the editorship of M. Galanza. – M, Yurid. litas. 1957 . <...> Contract on the European Union (Maastricht, on February 7, 1992) / Uniform European act. <...> The consolidated text of the Contract on EU functioning ШП 2007. <...> Исследование акцентировано на становлении механизма правовой регламентации полномочий и предметов ведения конфедеративного государственного устройства в пределах объединившихся стран, образований и государств с которыми имеются договоры, соглашения. <...>