Национальный цифровой ресурс Руконт - межотраслевая электронная библиотека (ЭБС) на базе технологии Контекстум (всего произведений: 608409)

Therapeutic physical сulture and massage/ Лечебная физическая культура и массаж : учебное пособие: курс лекций на иностранном языке (английском) (190,00 руб.)

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АвторыЕгорова С. А., Петрякова В. Г.
Издательствоизд-во СКФУ
АннотацияКурс лекций предназначен для студентов, обучающихся по билингвальной программе "Физическая культура" , содержит информацию о программах реабилитации, наборах физических упражнения для восстановления при различных заболеваниях, а также примеры физических упражнений.
Therapeutic physical сulture and massage/ Лечебная физическая культура и массаж : учебное пособие: курс лекций на иностранном языке (английском) / С. А. Егорова, В. Г. Петрякова .— Ставрополь : изд-во СКФУ, 2015 .— 95 с. — URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/578796 (дата обращения: 12.03.2025)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

МИНИСТЕРСТВО ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ И НАУКИ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНОЕ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННОЕ АВТОНОМНОЕ ОБРАЗОВАТЕЛЬНОЕ УЧРЕЖДЕНИЕ ВЫСШЕГО ПРОФЕССИОНАЛЬНОГО ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ «СЕВЕРО-КАВКАЗСКИЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ» ЛЕЧЕБНАЯ ФИЗИЧЕСКАЯ КУЛЬТУРА И МАССАЖ УЧЕБНОЕ ПОСОБИЕ Курс лекций на иностранном языке (английском) THERAPEUTIC PHYSICAL CULTURE AND MASSAGE Lectures on foreign language (English) Ставрополь 2015 УДК 615.825 (0.75.8) ББК 53.54 я73 Л 53 Печатается по решению редакционно -издательского совета Северо-Кавказского федерального университета Л 53 Лечебная физическая культура и массаж: учебное пособие: курс лекций на иностранном языке (английском) / авт.-сост.: С. <...> Therapeutic physical сulture and massage: lectures on foreign language (english) / author-composer: S. A. Egorova, V. G. Petrykova. – Stavropol: Рublisher NSFU, 2015. – 95 p. <...> Петрякова © ФГАОУ ВПО «Северо-Кавказский федеральный университет», 2015 INTRODUCTION TO THE COURSE OF LECTURES Course is for students enrolled in the bilingual program of training in “physical culture.” Course of lectures talks about rehabilitation programmes, sets of physical exercises for recovery in various diseases. <...> The manual presents examples of physical exercises for the muscles of the shoulder, back, knee. <...> In the course of lectures on medical physical culture with arthritis and arthritis. <...> Through the rehabilitation programmes, aimed at restoring the health of the future specialists in physical culture and sports will be able to restore lost functions of health. <...> Course is written in easily accessible language, concise, well-illustrated. 3 ROTATOR CUFF AND SHOULDER CONDITIONING PROGRAM LECTURE 1 Plan of lectures 1. <...> This paper aims to discuss the role anol impact of Rotator Cuff and Shoulder Conditioning Program in after an injury or surgery. <...> It highlights the importance if improving daily activities it enjoy a more active, healthy lifestyle particularly it covers a wide range of exercises on Flexibility , Target Muscles and length stretching Key words: Rotator Cuff , Shoulder Conditioning Program , daily exercise, Strengthening the muscles, Flexibility , Deltoids, Trapezius muscles, Subscapularis, Rhomboid muscles, Biceps, Teres muscles, Triceps, Supraspinatus, physical therapist, Warmup. <...> Talk to your doctor or physical therapist about which exercises will best help you <...>
УДК 615.825 (0.75.8) ББК 53.54 я73 Л 53 Печатается по решению редакционно -издательского совета Северо-Кавказского федерального университета Л 53 Лечебная физическая культура и массаж: учебное пособие: курс лекций на иностранном языке (английском) / авт.-сост.: С. А. Егорова, В. Г. Петрякова. – Ставрополь: Изд-во СКФУ, 2015. – 95 с. Therapeutic physical сulture and massage: lectures on foreign language (english) / author-composer: S. A. Egorova, V. G. Petrykova. – Stavropol: Рublisher NSFU, 2015. – 95 p. УДК 615.825 (0.75.8) ББК 53.54 я73 Авторы-составители: канд. мед. наук, доцент С. А. Егорова, ассистент В. Г. Петрякова © ФГАОУ ВПО «Северо-Кавказский федеральный университет», 2015
INTRODUCTION TO THE COURSE OF LECTURES Course is for students enrolled in the bilingual program of training in “physical culture.” Course of lectures talks about rehabilitation programmes, sets of physical exercises for recovery in various diseases. The manual presents examples of physical exercises for the muscles of the shoulder, back, knee. In the course of lectures on medical physical culture with arthritis and arthritis. In the tutorial, you learn about adaptive sports, Adaptive types of sports games. Materials handbook will help future specialists in building training to people with disabilities. Through the rehabilitation programmes, aimed at restoring the health of the future specialists in physical culture and sports will be able to restore lost functions of health. Course is written in easily accessible language, concise, well-illustrated. 3
СОДЕРЖАНИЕ Introduction to the course of lectures ...........................................................3 LECTURE 1. Rotator cuff and shoulder conditioning program 1.1. Introduction ................................................................................................4 1.2. Getting started ............................................................................................5 1.3. Rotator cuff and shoulder conditioning program. Stretching exercises .....5 1.4. Control questions .....................................................................................10 LECTURE 2. Rotator cuff and shoulder conditioning program. Strengthening exercises 2.1. Introduction ..............................................................................................12 2.2. Strengthening exercises ...........................................................................12 2.3. Control questions .....................................................................................18 LECTURE 3. Rotator cuff and shoulder conditioning program. Strengthening exercises. (Continued) 3.1. Introduction ..............................................................................................20 3.2. Strengthening exercises ...........................................................................20 3.3. Control questions .....................................................................................27 LECTURE 4. Knee conditioning program. Stretching exercises 4.1. Introduction ..............................................................................................29 4.2. Stretching exercises ..................................................................................30 4.3. Control questions .....................................................................................33 LECTURE 5. Knee conditioning program. Strengthening exercises 5.1. Introduction ..............................................................................................35 5.2. Strengthening exercises ............................................................................35 5.3. Control questions ......................................................................................44 93
LECTURE 6. Spine conditioning program. Stretching exercises 6.1. Introduction ...............................................................................................46 6.2. Stretching exercises ..................................................................................48 6.3. Control questions ......................................................................................53 LECTURE 7. Spine conditioning program. Strengthening exercises 7.1. Introduction ...............................................................................................55 7.2. Strengthening exercises ............................................................................55 7.3. Control questions .....................................................................................61 LECTURE 8. Managing arthritis pain with exercise 8.1. Introduction ..............................................................................................63 8.2. How Exercise Helps Arthritis Pain and immobility .................................64 8.3. Starting an Exercise Program ...................................................................65 8.4. Moderate Exercise ...................................................................................66 8.5. Start Slowly ..............................................................................................66 8.6. Control questions ......................................................................................67 LECTURE 9. Adaptive sports and recreational games 9.1. Introduction ..............................................................................................69 9.2. The types of adaptive sports .....................................................................69 9.3. Control questions .....................................................................................76 LECTURE 10. Adaptive sports and recreational games (continued) 10.1. Introduction ............................................................................................78 10.2. The types of adaptive sports ...................................................................78 10.3. Control questions ....................................................................................84 Conclusion ......................................................................................................86 Glossary ..........................................................................................................88 List of references ............................................................................................89 94

Облако ключевых слов *

* - вычисляется автоматически