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Первый авторBorodin
АвторыPopov AlexanderN., Masalykin AlexanderN.
АннотацияThe lack of a rigorous mathematical model of the performance of asphalt layers increase complicates the adoption of technological solutions in the design of structures strengthening of pre-cast airfi eld pavements. To determine the dynamics of changes in stress-strain state of multilayer airfi eld pavements it is necessary to conduct numerical simulation of temperature effects on him, generalization of the results of which will determine the optimal characteristics of the coating during reconstruction and to take measures to slow down refl ective cracking in asphalt layers build. As a result of the obtained regularity of the deformation reinforcement airfi eld pavements under the infl uence of non-stationary temperature fi eld free from external mechanical impact, given the thermoelastic properties of the material of the structure; dynamics of changes of the stress state of structures in time and in depth and evaluated the infl uence of the thickness of the asphalt layer on the voltage. The data obtained in the settlement process, can be used to design asphalt concrete lay-ers increasing in the reconstruction of runways, prefabricated airfi eld pavements
Borodin, AlexeyA. NUMERICAL MODELLING OF THE INTENSE DEFORMED CONDITION OF THE MULTILAYERED AIRfi ELD COVERING / AlexeyA. Borodin, AlexanderN. Popov, AlexanderN. Masalykin // Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Техника и технологии. Journal of Siberian Federal University. Engineering & Technologies .— 2016 .— №8 .— С. 116-128 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/576550 (дата обращения: 10.03.2025)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Engineering & Technologies, 2016, 9(8), 1254-1266 ~ ~ ~ УДК 625.717 Numerical Modelling of the Intense Deformed Condition of the Multilayered Airfi eld Covering Alexey A. Borodin*, Alexander N. Popov and Alexander N. Masalykin Military Education and Research Centre of Military-Air Forces «Military-Air Academy Named After Professor N.E. <...> Gagarin» 54а Starykh Bolshevikov Str., Voronezh, 394064, Russia Received 12.05.2016, received in revised form 19.08.2016, accepted 04.10.2016 The lack of a rigorous mathematical model of the performance of asphalt layers increase complicates the adoption of technological solutions in the design of structures strengthening of pre-cast airfi eld pavements. <...> To determine the dynamics of changes in stress-strain state of multilayer airfi eld pavements it is necessary to conduct numerical simulation of temperature effects on him, generalization of the results of which will determine the optimal characteristics of the coating during reconstruction and to take measures to slow down refl ective cracking in asphalt layers build. <...> As a result of the obtained regularity of the deformation reinforcement airfi eld pavements under the infl uence of non-stationary temperature fi eld free from external mechanical impact, given the thermoelastic properties of the material of the structure; dynamics of changes of the stress state of structures in time and in depth and evaluated the infl uence of the thickness of the asphalt layer on the voltage. <...> Numerical modelling of the intense deformed condition of the multilayered airfi eld covering, J. <...> Numerical Modelling of the Intense Deformed Con-dition of the Multilayered… <...> Численное моделирование напряженно-деформированного состояния многослойного аэродромного покрытия А.А. Бородин <...>