Национальный цифровой ресурс Руконт - межотраслевая электронная библиотека (ЭБС) на базе технологии Контекстум (всего произведений: 608268)
Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Техника и технологии. Journal of Siberian Federal University. Engineering & Technologies  / №6 2016


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Первый авторPrigarin
АвторыShirina NataliaV.
АннотацияIn the environment of instable and constantly rising gas prices, energy expenses constitute 46 % of the prime cost of alumina of RUSAL Nikolaev Ltd. One of the reasons of increase of heat consumption and, accordingly, of the prime cost of the fi nished products is parasitic water intake at alumina production areas. A review of the situation created has allowed singling out the major issues in this trend 1. Dilution of aluminate liquor at the Thickening and Washing Area during fl occulant preparation for dosing into the thickeners. 2. Utilization of technical water for water wash and mechanical seals of pump units at alumina production areas. Part of the water is pumped with drowned pumps to the process tanks and thickeners, reducing concentration of aluminate liquor. 3. Dilution of aluminate liquor at the Precipitation Area during washing of fi ltering cloths of disk vacuum fi lters according to schedule. 4. МАХ НТ consumption at the Evaporation Area is held per spent liquor cubic meters, accordingly at increase of parasitic water intake in aluminate and spent liquor, reagent dosage increases. Actions taken to reduce parasitic water intake and optimization of concentrations in alumina production have made it possible to save $3,07 M in 2014.
Prigarin, VitaliyA. REDUCTION OF PARASITIC WATER INTAKE AND SELECTION OF OPTIMUM CONCENTRATIONS FOR ALUMINA PRODUCTION AT RUSAL NIKOLAEV LTD., UKRAINE / VitaliyA. Prigarin, NataliaV. Shirina // Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Техника и технологии. Journal of Siberian Federal University. Engineering & Technologies .— 2016 .— №6 .— С. 105-111 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/576497 (дата обращения: 10.03.2025)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Engineering & Technologies, 2016, 9(6), 887-893 ~ ~ ~ УДК 669.717:629.4.027.4 Reduction of Parasitic water Intake and Selection of Optimum Concentrations for Alumina Production at RUSAL Nikolaev Ltd., Ukraine Vitaliy A. Prigarin* and Natalia V. Shirina Nikolaev Alumina Refi nery, LLC 471 Oktybrskiy, Nikolaev, 54051, Ukraine Received 14.05.2016, received in revised form 20.06.2016, accepted 03.08.2016 In the environment of instable and constantly rising gas prices, energy expenses constitute 46 % of the prime cost of alumina of RUSAL Nikolaev Ltd. <...> Dilution of aluminate liquor at the Thickening and Washing Area during fl occulant preparation for dosing into the thickeners. <...> Part of the water is pumped with drowned pumps to the process tanks and thickeners, reducing concentration of aluminate liquor. <...> Keywords: cash cost reduction, parasitic water, concentrations, specifi c consumption, analysis. factorial Citation: Prigarin V.A., Shirina N.V. <...> Reduction of parasitic water intake and selection of optimum concentrations for alumina production at RUSAL Nikolaev Ltd., Ukraine, J. <...> All rights reserved * Corresponding author E-mail address: Vitaliy.Prigarin@rusal.com # 887 # Vitaliy A. Prigarin and Natalia V. Shirina. <...> Снижение ввода паразитической воды и подбор оптимальных концентрационных режимов глиноземного производства на ООО «НГЗ» (Украина) В.А. Пригарин, Н.В. Ширина ООО «Николаевский глиноземный завод» Украина, 54051, Николаев, пр. <...> Октябрьский, 471 В условиях нестабильных и постоянно повышающихся цен на газ затраты на энергоресурсы составляют 46 % от себестоимости глинозема НГЗ. <...> Одним из источников повышения расхода тепла и, соответственно, себестоимости готовой продукции является ввод паразитической воды на участках глиноземного производства. <...> Разбавление алюминатного раствора на участке сгущения и промывки при приготовлении флокулянта для дозировки в сгустители. <...> Использование технической воды на гидросмывы и механические уплотнения насосных агрегатов на участках глиноземного производства. <...> Часть воды <...>