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Первый авторDamm
АвторыShishko IrinaV.
АннотацияPrevention of corruption is one of the most important areas of modern state policy of the Russian Federation where the state undertakes a complex of legal and organizational measures. However, the major efforts are focused on corruption prevention in the state and municipal government, as well as in law enforcement agencies. In other spheres including education corruption prevention is carried out randomly. The authors give a general overview and formulate the proposals to improve corruption prevention in Russian education.
Damm, IrinaA. СORRUPTION PREVENTION IN RUSSIAN EDUCATION / IrinaA. Damm, IrinaV. Shishko // Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Гуманитарные науки. Journal of Siberian Federal University, Humanities& Social Sciences .— 2016 .— №9 .— С. 341-350 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/576382 (дата обращения: 13.03.2025)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Humanities & Social Sciences 9 (2016 9) 2269-2278 ~ ~ ~ УДК 343.851 Сorruption Prevention in Russian Education Irina A. Damm* and Irina V. Shishko* Siberian Federal University 79 Svobodny, Krasnoyarsk, 660041, Russia Received 01.06.2016, received in revised form 05.07.2016, accepted 20.08.2016 Prevention of corruption is one of the most important areas of modern state policy of the Russian Federation where the state undertakes a complex of legal and organizational measures. <...> However, the major efforts are focused on corruption prevention in the state and municipal government, as well as in law enforcement agencies. <...> The authors give a general overview and formulate the proposals to improve corruption prevention in Russian education. <...> Keywords: corruption, education, prevention, conflict of interests, anti-corruption standards of conduct, anti-corruption enlightenment. <...> Problem Statement The Russian Federation National Security Strategy till 2020 approved by the Presidential Decree attributes corruption to one of the major threats to national security in the Russian Federation, and corruption prevention has become one of the priorities of the state policy. <...> However, the main efforts of preventive activities are aimed at the sphere of state and municipal government, as well as at law enforcement agencies. <...> In other socially important areas of the Russian society, including education, corruption prevention scale is not so pronounced. <...> National and foreign scientific literature focuses on general characteristics of corruption in education, its determinants, as well as suggestions for improving the prevention system (E.A. Akunchenko, N.V. Vaniukhina, I.L. Groshev, I.A. Grosheva, S.V. Dergachov, N.V. Zakharov, G.L. Il’in, P.A. Kabanov, A.A. Kirillovikh, D.G. Levites, A.A. Mashin’ian, I.V. Pliugina, E.E. Rumiantseva, A.I. Skorobogatova, D.S. Chekmenev, K. Komalasari, D. Saripudin, Muriel Poisson and others). <...> Сorruption Prevention in Russian Education Various aspects of corruption in education are researched in dissertation works of lawyers, economists and sociologists (E.A. Borisova, N.F. Bodrov, E.A. Leont’eva, S.V. Plokhov, D.A. Povnii, V.N. Pugach, E.V. Slesareva, I.P. Strebkov and others). <...> However, despite the significant amount of research, questions regarding the peculiarities of corruption in the sphere of education and formation of the system combating <...>