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Первый авторChernov
АвторыPogorel’skaia ElenaIu.
АннотацияThe paper raises the problem of the city symbol. Authors show the deep metaphysical connection behalf of the city with historical events and facts of history of Ekaterinburg. The city appears here as a living organism and personality. The part of the work is semiotic and iconographic illustration of ideas and theses of this research
Chernov, LeonidS. REVISITING THE MEANING OF YEKATERINBURG CITY NAME / LeonidS. Chernov, ElenaIu. Pogorel’skaia // Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Гуманитарные науки. Journal of Siberian Federal University, Humanities& Social Sciences .— 2016 .— №9 .— С. 186-193 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/576371 (дата обращения: 03.05.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Authors show the deep metaphysical connection behalf of the city with historical events and facts of history of Ekaterinburg. <...> Keywords: Yekaterinburg, symbol, name, skill, Saint Catherine, walled city, ideal city, Catherine icon, Women spinner, betrothal to Christ. <...> For instance, symbolic reality of Saint Petersburg is more than just commemoration of Peter the Great, it is connected “with the idea of Petersburg as a New Rome. <...> Orientation on Rome reveals itself not only in the name of this capital, but also in its coat of arms: it contains some transformed motives of that of Rome (or Vatican as the successor of Rome), which is, indeed, not a coincidence”.2 © Siberian Federal University. <...> All rights reserved * Corresponding author E-mail address: leon-chernov@yandex.ru; schreibigus@mail.ru – 2114 – Therefore, when an issue of symbolic reality, which always follows the external, variable and historically diverse form, is set, the metaphysical core of the phenomenon needs to be found. <...> No matter how strange it sounds, but the city symbol issue is a practical question, though it looks purely theoretical and a Urals Institute of Administration of RANEPA Humanitarian University of Yekaterinburg 19 Studencheskaya Str., Yekaterinburg, 620049, Russia Leonid S. Chernov and Elena Iu. <...> Revisiting the Meaning of Yekaterinburg City Nam based only on the value of the truth, which is the truth for the sake of the truth as such. <...> However, as a polity, as a totality of institutional forms and processes administration is carried out through, a city needs to realize its symbolic reality, which is the base for its practical activity, because it is where the real and the most powerful source for development belongs. <...> Though some historical events have not happened yet, they have been programmed in the name as set in stone. <...> Contemporary historians write: “It was Yekaterinburg, an industrial capital, built as though in compliance with a “perfect fortress” plan, the main city of the region established for ages. <...> When a city begins from a fortress, it assumes that the place needs some protection, that it is valuable and special. <...> The fortress is intended to make the place powerful and strong. <...> A planned fortress is a result of rational thinking which starts from understanding <...>