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Первый авторSitnikova
АннотацияThe paper presents the results of studying Nganasan fairy tales for children. The author traces the origin of Nganasan children’s fairy tales back to the mythological epic tales of the Nganasan people (sitaby) and to the historical national traditions (diurymy). The author also looks into the possibility of applying morphological and semantic analysis to understanding Nganasan fairy tales, resulting in description of some aspects of the worldview of the Nganasan people, along with their moral and value judgments, which are transferred by children’s literature to the younger generation
Sitnikova, AlexandraA. NGANASAN CHILDREN LITERATURE: HISTORY AND SPECIFCIS / AlexandraA. Sitnikova // Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Гуманитарные науки. Journal of Siberian Federal University, Humanities& Social Sciences .— 2016 .— №9 .— С. 77-84 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/576363 (дата обращения: 13.03.2025)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Humanities & Social Sciences 9 (2016 9) 2005-2012 ~ ~ ~ УДК 82-342 Nganasan Children Literature: History and Specifics Alexandra A. Sitnikova* Siberian Federal University 79 Svobodny, Krasnoyarsk, 660041, Russia Received 21.01.2016, received in revised form 18.04.2016, accepted 19.08.2016 The paper presents the results of studying Nganasan fairy tales for children. <...> The author traces the origin of Nganasan children’s fairy tales back to the mythological epic tales of the Nganasan people (sitaby) and to the historical national traditions (diurymy). <...> The author also looks into the possibility of applying morphological and semantic analysis to understanding Nganasan fairy tales, resulting in description of some aspects of the worldview of the Nganasan people, along with their moral and value judgments, which are transferred by children’s literature to the younger generation. <...> Keywords: literature of the indigenous small-numbered peoples of the North, Nganasan folklore, Nganasan mythology, sitaby, Nganasan fairy tales, Nganasan worldview. <...> The work was implemented within the project “Creating a corpus of texts for children in their native languages (the Evenki, Nenets, Nganasan, Dolgan languages) as a way to preserve the unique cultural heritage of the indigenous small-numbered peoples of Krasnoyarsk Krai”, supported by the Krasnoyarsk Regional Science Foundation. <...> Introduction In modern humanitarian sciences and practices (music festivals, documentary films, workshops for the production of objects of decorative and applied arts, etc.) the considerable attention is paid to the culture of the northern nomadic peoples, in particular, the culture of the indigenous peoples of Siberia. <...> In part so much attention to this subject may be attributed to the fact that the northern nomadic peoples are a cultural “bridge” between the ancient primitive and “simple” way of life of human communities there © Siberian Federal University. <...> All rights reserved * Corresponding author E-mail address: sem_dobrianka@mail.ru – 2005 – and the currently “difficult” existence of human communities in urban life. <...> This is also partly due to the uniqueness of the situation: in unsuitable for human life climates distinctive culture with their own languages, music, folklore, literature, etc. are not only preserved but even continue to develop. <...> In part alarmist mood of the indigenous peoples’ representatives and academics about the urgent need of salvation and perhaps the museum preservation of the remaining residues of northern cultures <...>