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Первый авторSeredkina
АннотацияThe article provides an overview of the historical development of the Evenki children’s literature in the context of the Evenki national literary school’s total flow. The corpus of Evenki fairytales about animals is analyzed from the perspective of embodiment the peculiarities of ethnic worldview and ethnic world outlook in the artistic signs. The coexistence of a clear and simple stylistic well-formedness of the Evenki fairytales with a profound meaningful point relating the explanation of a number of natural phenomena surrounding man has been revealed. It converts seemingly children’s literature to adult perception. In addition, a tendency of modeling the situation of men and nature proximity by the tools of artistic and literary images is detected. Ethnic component of the Evenki children’s fairytales can be traced in the characters’ description, their occupation, place of residence and food. As a rule, this is a generalized image of an Evenki or Russian as a whole. The Evenki is the one who lives in the cold, but rich in food taiga, in chum and engaged in traditional occupations: reindeer herding and fishing. The Russian is an ethnos, different from the Evenki ethnic group, engaged in animal husbandry and, at the same time, adjacent to the Evenki ethnocultural group.
Seredkina, NataliaN. EVENK CHILDREN’S LITERATURE: HISTORY AND SPECIFCI FEATURES / NataliaN. Seredkina // Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Гуманитарные науки. Journal of Siberian Federal University, Humanities& Social Sciences .— 2016 .— №9 .— С. 66-76 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/576362 (дата обращения: 13.03.2025)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Humanities & Social Sciences 9 (2016 9) 1994-2004 ~ ~ ~ УДК 894.110 Evenk Children’s Literature: History and Specific Features Natalia N. Seredkina* Siberian Federal University 79 Svobodny, Krasnoyarsk, 660041, Russia Received 22.05.2016, received in revised form 30.06.2016, accepted 14.08.2016 The article provides an overview of the historical development of the Evenki children’s literature in the context of the Evenki national literary school’s total flow. <...> The corpus of Evenki fairytales about animals is analyzed from the perspective of embodiment the peculiarities of ethnic worldview and ethnic world outlook in the artistic signs. <...> The coexistence of a clear and simple stylistic well-formedness of the Evenki fairytales with a profound meaningful point relating the explanation of a number of natural phenomena surrounding man has been revealed. <...> In addition, a tendency of modeling the situation of men and nature proximity by the tools of artistic and literary images is detected. <...> Ethnic component of the Evenki children’s fairytales can be traced in the characters’ description, their occupation, place of residence and food. <...> The Evenki is the one who lives in the cold, but rich in food taiga, in chum and engaged in traditional occupations: reindeer herding and fishing. <...> The Russian is an ethnos, different from the Evenki ethnic group, engaged in animal husbandry and, at the same time, adjacent to the Evenki ethnocultural group. <...> Keywords: Evenki children’s literature, Evenki fairytales, fairytales about animals, ethnic identity. <...> The study is carried out within the project “Creating a Corpus of Texts for Children in Their Native Languages (Evenki, Nenets, Nganasan and Dolgan) as a Way to Preserve the Unique Cultural Heritage of Indigenous Small Numbered Peoples of the Krasnoyarsk Territory», supported by the Krasnoyarsk Regional Science Foundation. <...> Introduction Fiction is one of the areas of culture, where the peculiarities of ethnic worldview are fixed and therefore, it has the ability to serve not only as a source of perception of the specific ethnic group’s peculiarities of mentality, but be a factor in its selfidentification as well. <...> This aspect is still poorly studied within the scientific literature devoted to © Siberian Federal University. <...> All rights reserved * Corresponding author E-mail address: NevolkoN@yandex.ru – 1994 – the study of the Evenki literary school, while the analysis of the peculiarities of national <...>