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Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Гуманитарные науки. Journal of Siberian Federal University, Humanities& Social Sciences  / №8 2016


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Первый авторNedilko
АннотацияThis article investigates ways and methods of solving problems associated with the law interpretation, proposed by the European legal scholars in the period of Modern Era. The author states that researchers have advocated the formation of legislation and its interpretation which bases on the principles of natural justice; gives examples of problems in the legislation and its interpretation in Europe of the Modern Era period. The work also emphasizes the influence of European supporters of the natural law theory on the resolution of legal issues through the law interpretation. The extension of views on the natural law contributes to the fact that the European legislation and its interpretation begin to be based on the principles of justice and humanity.
Nedilko, YuliaV. THE LAW INTERPRETATION AND ITS ROLE IN LEGISLATIVE IMPLEMENTATION OF PHILOSOPHO-LEGAL CONCEPTIONS OF THE NATURAL LAW IN THE PERIOD OF MODERN ERA / YuliaV. Nedilko // Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Гуманитарные науки. Journal of Siberian Federal University, Humanities& Social Sciences .— 2016 .— №8 .— С. 151-158 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/576284 (дата обращения: 13.03.2025)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Humanities & Social Sciences 8 (2016 9) 1849-1856 ~ ~ ~ УДК 340.132.6 The Law Interpretation and its Role in Legislative Implementation of Philosopho-legal Conceptions of the Natural Law in the Period of Modern Era Yulia V. Nedilko* Kuban State Agrarian University 13 Kalinin Str., Krasnodar, 350044, Russia Received 08.02.2016, received in revised form 16.04.2016, accepted 26.05.2016 This article investigates ways and methods of solving problems associated with the law interpretation, proposed by the European legal scholars in the period of Modern Era. <...> The author states that researchers have advocated the formation of legislation and its interpretation which bases on the principles of natural justice; gives examples of problems in the legislation and its interpretation in Europe of the Modern Era period. <...> The work also emphasizes the influence of European supporters of the natural law theory on the resolution of legal issues through the law interpretation. <...> The extension of views on the natural law contributes to the fact that the European legislation and its interpretation begin to be based on the principles of justice and humanity. <...> Keywords: theory of natural law, interpretation of legal norms, Modern Era, “Platonic cassation”, European jurists, legal controversy, principle of justice, principle of humanity. <...> In this article we will try to bridge in some way the gap by focusing on theoretical studies in the law interpretation made by supporters of the natural law doctrine within the period of Modern Era in Western Europe and on their implementation. <...> All rights reserved * Corresponding author E-mail address: jvna@list.ru – 1849 – is characterized by an active establishment and development of the major law schools. <...> It is an interesting point here, that the reason for the natural law development should be considered as the result of resistance of “German legal awareness to Roman Law enforcement” (Erlikh, 2011: 418), to its massiveness and unwieldiness: if Romans deduced general principles and provisions from the content of Yulia V. Nedilko. <...> The Law Interpretation and its Role in Legislative Implementation of Philosopho-legal Conceptions. numerous legal norms, then members of the natural law school rather chose the opposite tack, i.e. first, they defined basic principles and values and by following them formed and interpreted the legislation. <...> One of the most prominent supporters of this theory was Hugo Grotius, a Dutch scientist. <...> Thus, he emphasized, that in that case <...>