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Первый авторPrygun
АннотацияThis article is devoted to the 190 anniversary of the Decembrist revolt. It provides information about one of the leaders of the Southern society – Vasily Lvovich Davydov. A poet, a brave officer of the Russian army, a participant of the Patriotic war of 1812, awarded by numerous awards for courage, he became an active republican who was jealously defending the ideas of freedom, equality and brotherhood. Davydov spent 13 years on penal service in Siberia, and from 1839 to 1855 he had been living with his family on the settlement in Krasnoyarsk, where he passed away. His love to Aleksandra Ivanovna Potapova – the Decembrist’ wife, became the best part of his destiny. Their unique marriage became the source of admiration for the contemporaries and still continues to inspire our contemporaries by the manifestation of female self-sacrifice, fidelity and true love.
Prygun, ElenaV. “LOVE… FATHERLAND AND FREEDOM!” / ElenaV. Prygun // Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Гуманитарные науки. Journal of Siberian Federal University, Humanities& Social Sciences .— 2016 .— №8 .— С. 85-91 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/576278 (дата обращения: 13.03.2025)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

It provides information about one of the leaders of the Southern society – Vasily Lvovich Davydov. <...> A poet, a brave officer of the Russian army, a participant of the Patriotic war of 1812, awarded by numerous awards for courage, he became an active republican who was jealously defending the ideas of freedom, equality and brotherhood. <...> Davydov spent 13 years on penal service in Siberia, and from 1839 to 1855 he had been living with his family on the settlement in Krasnoyarsk, where he passed away. <...> His love to Aleksandra Ivanovna Potapova – the Decembrist’ wife, became the best part of his destiny. <...> Their unique marriage became the source of admiration for the contemporaries and still continues to inspire our contemporaries by the manifestation of female self-sacrifice, fidelity and true love. <...> Keywords: Decembrist’s revolt, poet, brave officer, republican, link, settlement in Krasnoyarsk, female fidelity and dedication. <...> Research area: culture studies. 2015 timed to 190 anniversary of the uprising in Senate Square. <...> After its suppression and trial, more than 120 outstanding sons of Russia were sent to hard labor in Siberia. <...> Vasily Lvovich Davydov – a brave officer, the holder of the order, a participant of the legendary Battle of Borodino and the adjutant of Prince Pyotr Bagration was among them. “In the Siberian desert / There rises an abandoned hill / Covered with withered grass, / Not framed with stones . / Many words of the epitaph / Were almost erased . / “Here lies . the victim … of tyranny . / The husband and the father . forever . / Shackles. exile . his whole life . / Love . <...> Created in 1827-28 at hard labor in Chita ostrog, it became truly prophetic. “Love . <...> Fatherland and freedom” – in this exact order, in accordance to the degree of their importance for the author, the priorities were highlighted in the poem. <...> Vasily Lvovich Davydov was a descendant of the ancient and glorious names of Davydov, Raevsky and Potemkin that descendants did a lot for the glory of Russia. <...> Having received an excellent education, Vasily developed a lot of talents: he was a poet, the author of lively poetic improvisations and epigrams, a witty conversationalist, an active Republican, a bold Elena V. Prygun. “Love … Fatherland and Freedom!” and fearless officer in the Russian Army, awarded for bravery during the War of 1812 by the Orders of St. Anne and St. <...>