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Первый авторSporov
АннотацияThe article disscusses some questions, which emerged during the work with the Moscow State University’s collection of recorded oral memories. What are the possibilities and the challenges which face the online-archivists? Is there a need to create some new type of the chrestomaty – a wikichrestomaty – i.e. a project, constantly updated by every active user? The work with the memoirs shows us that the conceptual constructs which are usually called national memory, places of memory, collective memory etc., are very versatile. Why? We think that the soviet doublethinking which has become civilizational code, has shaped the relationships with the past. Digital modularity gives the possibility to remember and to create the points of assemblage and to accept the past. Every person we talk with, with all the limitless variability of the subjects and opinions, says that for the past 100 years there weren’t any family that didn’t confront a catastrophe. That’s why in the context of the extreme instability of the common representation of past the stories of people, who achieved some success in creative history of the last century, are very important.
Sporov, DmitriyB. NATIONAL MEMORY AND DIGITAL MODULARITY. AN ATTEMPT TO CREATE A DIGITAL ARCHIVE OF SCIENCE AND CULTURE / DmitriyB. Sporov // Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Гуманитарные науки. Journal of Siberian Federal University, Humanities& Social Sciences .— 2016 .— №7 .— С. 73-75 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/576259 (дата обращения: 13.03.2025)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

An Attempt to Create a Digital Archive of Science and Culture Dmitriy B. Sporov* Lomonosov Moscow State University 1 Leninskie Gory, Moscow, 119991, Russia Received 20.02.2016, received in revised form 17.03.2016, accepted 22.04.2016 The article disscusses some questions, which emerged during the work with the Moscow State University’s collection of recorded oral memories. <...> Is there a need to create some new type of the chrestomaty – a wikichrestomaty – i.e. a project, constantly updated by every active user? <...> The work with the memoirs shows us that the conceptual constructs which are usually called national memory, places of memory, collective memory etc., are very versatile. <...> We think that the soviet doublethinking which has become civilizational code, has shaped the relationships with the past. <...> Digital modularity gives the possibility to remember and to create the points of assemblage and to accept the past. <...> Every person we talk with, with all the limitless variability of the subjects and opinions, says that for the past 100 years there weren’t any family that didn’t confront a catastrophe. <...> That’s why in the context of the extreme instability of the common representation of past the stories of people, who achieved some success in creative history of the last century, are very important. <...> Established in 1967, this collection, which comprises talks with some well-known personalities of science and culture, e.g. Mikhail Bakhtin, Nikolay Timofeev-Ressovsky, Vyacheslav Ivanov etc., is being updated constantly. <...> Thanks to the personal style of its founder, V.D. Douvakin (1909–1982), all the © Siberian Federal University. <...> Three years ago we launched the Oralhistory.ru site to publish the items from this collection (we started by the more recent talks and now we are about to publish the old ones, recorded between 1960–1990's). <...> We aim to publish all the collection according to the archeography rules and to create a constantly updated archive. <...> We managed to record 500 new conversations, from which 150 were published on the web. <...> An Attempt to Create a Digital Archive of Science. 2. <...> The beauty of the oral history in general and our project in particular is we, while respecting the traditions of XX's century historiography, create not a history of state and sovereigns but a history of simple person and, what <...>

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* - вычисляется автоматически