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Первый авторNoor Samina
АннотацияThe Syrian Crisis has eliminated all the chances of Syrian people to meet basic needs. One third of people have displaced internally and 2 million became refugees in neighbour countries. This article examines the issue of Syrian Child soldiers. They are being displaced, killed, wounded, orphaned by the ongoing civil war. Children of all genders are forced to join rebel groups. The main purpose of this study explores what kind of international legislations applied to them to protect further exploitation. In this study, discussed various world stories in contemplation to highlight the reasons why children get recruited into the rebel army
Noor, S. CIVIL WAR AND CHILD SOLDIERS: A CASE STUDY OF SYRIAN WAR (2013-2014) / S. Noor // Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Гуманитарные науки. Journal of Siberian Federal University, Humanities& Social Sciences .— 2016 .— №12 .— С. 124-132 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/576245 (дата обращения: 14.03.2025)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

They are being displaced, killed, wounded, orphaned by the ongoing civil war. <...> Children of all genders are forced to join rebel groups. <...> The main purpose of this study explores what kind of international legislations applied to them to protect further exploitation. <...> In this study, discussed various world stories in contemplation to highlight the reasons why children get recruited into the rebel army. <...> Wars always hit civilians, including children and women, badly. <...> All rights reserved * Corresponding author E-mail address: sameena.noor786@yahoo.com – 2986 – their basic needs are likely to become child soldiers. <...> The Charter of the United Nations recognizes inherent dignity and equality of all people without discrimination, proclaiming it to be the very foundation of the freedom, justice, and peace in the entire world. <...> Universal Declaration of Human Rights proclaims that all human beings are entitled to all rights and freedom regardless of their complexion, sex, race, language, religion, political and other affiliation, economic and social status, and gives children more privileges because they need more attention, care, and assistance. <...> According to Additional Protocols under International Humanitarian Law for the civilian and child protection, during war times ten Samina Noor. <...> Civil War and Child Soldiers: a Case Study of Syrian War (2013-2014) thousand minor children around the world are attached to different rebel groups as child soldiers. <...> Moreover, International Law has made multiple efforts to prevent recruiting child soldiers by rebel groups and official forces, taking care of their well-being after getting back home after the war. <...> We can say that the international intervention has helped create considerable attention and prevent recruitment of children as soldiers at the national and local level. <...> The Syrian Crisis has eliminated all the chances of Syrian people to meet their basic needs. <...> They are being displaced, killed, wounded, orphaned by the ongoing civil war. <...> In 1990, Syria ratified CRC (Committee on the Rights of the Children), but with the outbreak of the civil war, the government has totally failed to provide any information on the child recruitment into rebel groups. <...> Children are in their age of physical, mental and emotional development, and erupting wars injure them <...>