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Первый авторNikolaev
АннотацияThis article describes some linguistic and communicative-pragmatic peculiarities of English SEOoptimized texts and defines the place of this type of texts in the genre structure of advertising discourse The article is based on the results of the comparative analysis of the two corpora. The target corpus contained SEO-optimized texts selected from the main pages of the websites of large retail companies; the referential corpus consisted of texts of ads from the web pages of periodicals. The results of the corpus data analysis allow to conclude that as a genre variation of the advertising discourse the SEOtext is characterized by several features unusual for historically formed “prototypical” advertising text: the extremely high number of nouns in relation to the total number of verbs, a low percentage of the lexical variability, a high number of adjectives in the superlative degree implementing evaluative function (“self-glorification”), which is not typical of modern dynamics of advertising texts.
Nikolaev, FyodorA. SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZED TEXTS: COMMUNICATIVE, PRAGMATIC AND LINGUISTIC ASPECTS / FyodorA. Nikolaev // Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Гуманитарные науки. Journal of Siberian Federal University, Humanities& Social Sciences .— 2016 .— №12 .— С. 116-123 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/576244 (дата обращения: 14.03.2025)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Humanities & Social Sciences 12 (2016 9) 2978-2985 ~ ~ ~ УДК 81.42 Search Engine Optimized Texts: Communicative, Pragmatic and Linguistic Aspects Fyodor A. Nikolaev* St. Petersburg State University of Economics 21 Sadovaya Str., Petersburg, 191011, Russia Received 18.04.2016, received in revised form 27.08.2016, accepted 19.10.2016 This article describes some linguistic and communicative-pragmatic peculiarities of English SEOoptimized texts and defines the place of this type of texts in the genre structure of advertising discourse. <...> The target corpus contained SEO-optimized texts selected from the main pages of the websites of large retail companies; the referential corpus consisted of texts of ads from the web pages of periodicals. <...> The results of the corpus data analysis allow to conclude that as a genre variation of the advertising discourse the SEOtext is characterized by several features unusual for historically formed “prototypical” advertising text: the extremely high number of nouns in relation to the total number of verbs, a low percentage of the lexical variability, a high number of adjectives in the superlative degree implementing evaluative function (“self-glorification”), which is not typical of modern dynamics of advertising texts. <...> Keywords: advertising discourse, SEO-text, corpus data analysis, technogenic addressee, discourse strategies, discourse tactics. <...> All rights reserved * Corresponding author E-mail address: Fyodor-nikolaev@yandex.ru – 2978 – A. Kochetova, by several factors: the dimension of the advertising discourse that uses different messaging channels, which leads to the semiotic complexity of the genre and its permanent transformations, modifications, etc.; the difficulty of genre identification of the advertising discourse, arising from the continuous development and differentiation of the genre system, which results in a diffusion of genres and innovations in the advertising discourse (as cited in: Karasik, 1992, p. 267). <...> Search Engine Optimized Texts: Communicative, Pragmatic and Linguistic Aspects One of the relatively new and little studied genre of advertising media discourse is the socalled SEO-text. <...> Search engine optimization is a complex of means to influence the position of the links on the website in the result of the search process. <...> SEO-texts are placed mostly on the home page, in the section “About the company”, in the form of information articles in special sections of sites, in the form of news or catalogue texts, price lists. <...> The main feature of SEO <...>