Национальный цифровой ресурс Руконт - межотраслевая электронная библиотека (ЭБС) на базе технологии Контекстум (всего произведений: 608419)
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Первый авторBazanov
АннотацияThe article compares on the basis of a qualitative case study in Germany the formation and comparison of migrants groups’ settings towards the state and to state holidays Based on the analysis performed 75 thematically structured interviews the article compares the resettlement features of the two migrants groups, their behaviour and their attitude to the state authorities and state events. On the one hand, the representatives of the “Russian abroad” have distanced themselves for a long time from the state, which was located on the territory of origin, whereas the representatives of the “new wave” associates themselves with (post) soviet cultural system. As a result one can see in the “new wave” migrants a combination of Soviet and Russian identities. On the other hand, the state itself is not perceived by the “Russian world” in a hostile way. The “new wave” migrants often just transferred their cautious attitude to the origin state to the local state. For example the police for the fourth wave migrant associated more with the threat, with negative feelings, while for the “old migration” the policeman is uniquely defender. Common holiday promotes cultural practices and standardized behaviours, but under conditions of existence of migrants with different interpretations of historical events it is difficult to talk about the presence of general holidays. The study tested also the differences in the holiday’s symbolic regulation. Interpretation of historical events is heir more an area of disagreement. One of the most remarkable in recent years the symbol of the victory Ribbon of St. George, for example, is not perceived so unequivocally positive, as among “new migrants”. This description confirms the thesis about the existence of the two cultural groups within the Russianspeaking space. The selection of specific cultural groups can increase the efficiency of the work with compatriots abroad.
УДК314.74, 325.2
Bazanov, VarfolomeyA. INTERACTIONS OF THE RUSSIAN STATE WITH EMIGRANT COMMUNITIES / VarfolomeyA. Bazanov // Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Гуманитарные науки. Journal of Siberian Federal University, Humanities& Social Sciences .— 2016 .— №10 .— С. 34-47 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/576183 (дата обращения: 13.03.2025)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Humanities & Social Sciences 10 (2016 9) 2328-2341 ~ ~ ~ УДК 314.74, 325.2 Interactions of the Russian State with Emigrant Communities Varfolomey A. Bazanov* Moscow State Institute of International Relations Ludwig-Maximilians-University of Munich (Germany) 1 Geschwister-Scholl-Platz, Mьnchen, 80539, Deutschland Received 22.04.2016, received in revised form 23.07.2016, accepted 22.09.2016 The article compares on the basis of a qualitative case study in Germany the formation and comparison of migrants groups’ settings towards the state and to state holidays. <...> On the one hand, the representatives of the “Russian abroad” have distanced themselves for a long time from the state, which was located on the territory of origin, whereas the representatives of the “new wave” associates themselves with (post) soviet cultural system. <...> As a result one can see in the “new wave” migrants a combination of Soviet and Russian identities. <...> On the other hand, the state itself is not perceived by the “Russian world” in a hostile way. <...> The “new wave” migrants often just transferred their cautious attitude to the origin state to the local state. <...> For example the police for the fourth wave migrant associated more with the threat, with negative feelings, while for the “old migration” the policeman is uniquely defender. <...> Common holiday promotes cultural practices and standardized behaviours, but under conditions of existence of migrants with different interpretations of historical events it is difficult to talk about the presence of general holidays. <...> Interpretation of historical events is heir more an area of disagreement. <...> One of the most remarkable in recent years the symbol of the victory Ribbon of St. George, for example, is not perceived so unequivocally positive, as among “new migrants”. <...> This description confirms the thesis about the existence of the two cultural groups within the Russianspeaking space. <...> The selection of specific cultural groups can increase the efficiency of the work with compatriots abroad. <...> Consistent and systematic work on the optimization of public image abroad is one of the most important aspects of the policy of “soft power.” Such work should be regarded as an © Siberian Federal University. <...> Ignoring of this area can lead to a loss of international positions, an emergence of obstacles Varfolomey A. Bazanov. <...> Interactions of the Russian State with Emigrant Communities in advancing of the interests of Russian business abroad. <...> It should be noted, that in recent years, Russian authorities are <...>