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Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Гуманитарные науки. Journal of Siberian Federal University, Humanities& Social Sciences  / №10 2016


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Первый авторAlekseeva
АннотацияThis article is devoted to regards the actual problems of cultural livelihoods of Indigenous Peoples of the North-East of Russia, in particular, the traditional practice of reindeer herding of the Tongues, contemporary consideration of adaptive coping strategies and new opportunities in the context of globalization. The work on the basis of the method of expeditionary field work subjected to scientific analysis of the specifics of nomadic reindeer culture of the peoples of the North (for example, the Evens and Evenki), which marked the structural uniformity of phenomena such as the trajectory of continuous movement “ feeding the landscape” (pet or wild animal), the cycle paths of movement of human groups within the range of nomadic and economic structure-phenological calendar. Spacetime representation, captured in the traditional calendar, and structural uniformity of the economic cycle, the structure of livelihoods and culture are reflected in the picture of the world of the studied ethnic groups. Reindeer hunters, that move during the hunting year, within a closed circle route, developed a “circular” model of life in contrast to the “linear” type of culture of life support (semisettled fishermen, whose route ran along the main feeding substance - river). Today we can talk about more or less sustainable model of cultural livelihoods of Indigenous Peoples, which is characterized by a combination and synthesis of modern (urban) elements and archaic (northern) cultures. Installing problem identified the following three main lines of research: traditional and modern practices in the conduct of reindeer hunting and fishing in life-support system of the peoples of the Tungus; the main options for the economic models of life of the peoples of the North; reconstruction of ethnolocal options for livelihoods of the Tungus. Currently, different ethnolocal groups of indigenous peoples has developed a range of livelihood strategies, which are important not only historical and cultural meanings, but also social and economic factors.
УДК39:94 (
Alekseeva, SardaanaA. CULTURE OF LIFE-SUPPORT OF THE TUNGUS: THE PRACTICE OF REINDEER HERDING, CONTEMPORARY ADAPTIVE STRATEGIES AND NEW CHALLENGES / SardaanaA. Alekseeva // Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Гуманитарные науки. Journal of Siberian Federal University, Humanities& Social Sciences .— 2016 .— №10 .— С. 11-20 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/576181 (дата обращения: 13.03.2025)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Humanities & Social Sciences 10 (2016 9) 2305-2314 ~ ~ ~ УДК 39:94 (=512) Culture of Life-support of the Tungus: the Practice of Reindeer Herding, Contemporary Adaptive Strategies and New Challenges Sardaana A. Alekseeva* The Institute for Humanities Research and Indigenous Studies of Siberian Branch North of Russian Academy of Sciences (Yakutsk), 1 Petrovskogo Str., Yakutsk, 677007, Russia Received 24.04.2016, received in revised form 17.06.2016, accepted 04.09.2016 This article is devoted to regards the actual problems of cultural livelihoods of Indigenous Peoples of the North-East of Russia, in particular, the traditional practice of reindeer herding of the Tongues, contemporary consideration of adaptive coping strategies and new opportunities in the context of globalization. <...> The work on the basis of the method of expeditionary field work subjected to scientific analysis of the specifics of nomadic reindeer culture of the peoples of the North (for example, the Evens and Evenki), which marked the structural uniformity of phenomena such as the trajectory of continuous movement “feeding the landscape” (pet or wild animal), the cycle paths of movement of human groups within the range of nomadic and economic structure-phenological calendar. <...> Spacetime representation, captured in the traditional calendar, and structural uniformity of the economic cycle, the structure of livelihoods and culture are reflected in the picture of the world of the studied ethnic groups. <...> Reindeer hunters, that move during the hunting year, within a closed circle route, developed a “circular” model of life in contrast to the “linear” type of culture of life support (semisettled fishermen, whose route ran along the main feeding substance - river). <...> Today we can talk about more or less sustainable model of cultural livelihoods of Indigenous Peoples, which is characterized by a combination and synthesis of modern (urban) elements and archaic (northern) cultures. <...> Installing problem identified the following three main lines of research: traditional and modern practices in the conduct of reindeer hunting and fishing in life-support system of the peoples of the Tungus; the main options for the economic models of life of the peoples of the North; reconstruction of ethnolocal options for livelihoods of the Tungus. <...> Currently, different ethnolocal groups of indigenous peoples has developed a range of livelihood strategies, which are important not only historical and cultural meanings, but also social and economic factors. <...> Keywords: cultural livelihoods, herding, indigenous peoples of the North, Tungus, «accommodating <...>