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Пробелы в российском законодательстве  / №6 2015


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Первый авторЦындря Владимир Николаевич
АннотацияСтатья посвящена особенностям административного регулирования цен в Российской Федерации. Тема государственного участия в ценообразовании всегда была актуальна для нашей страны, а сейчас, в условиях глубокого экономического кризиса, вызванного резким снижением доходов от экспорта углеводородного сырья, актуальна вдвойне. Сегодня как никогда необходим эффективный механизм сдерживания инфляции, позволяющий одновременно соблюдать интересы бизнеса и всего общества.
Цындря, В.Н. 12.1. АДМИНИСТРАТИВНОЕ РЕГУЛИРОВАНИЕ ЦЕН В РОССИИ / В.Н. Цындря // Пробелы в российском законодательстве .— 2015 .— №6 .— С. 195-198 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/572972 (дата обращения: 28.04.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATION OF PRICES IN RUSSIA Tsyndrya Vladimir Nickolaevitch, PhD at law. <...> Place of employment: Krasnodar University of MIA Russia. <...> Place of employment: Krasnodar University of MIA Russia. <...> Annotation: The article is devoted to the peculiarities of the administrative regulation of prices in the Russian Federation. <...> Subject of government involvement in pricing has always been important for our country, and now, in the conditions of a deep economic crisis caused a sharp decline in revenues from hydrocarbon exports, is relevant in two ways. <...> Today more than ever needs an effective mechanism to curb inflation, allowing both to comply with the interests of business and society. <...> Therefore, the research of one of the components of the mechanism - state regulation of pricing undertaken in order to increase its effectiveness in high demand. <...> In his study on the achievement of this objective, the author successfully combines scientific methods, such as historical, dialectical, statistical, with methods peculiar administrative law: formal-legal, logical and sociological, to conduct legal analysis tools used administrative influence on the price level. <...> Illuminated the history of administrative influence on the price level in the country. <...> Clear up the problematic aspects of the violations of state price discipline. <...> The features of the application of state regulation of prices for example, reduce the minimum prices for alcohol products in the territory of the Russian Federation in the moment. <...> The value represented by scientific research is seen in the fact that its results can form the basis for reforms to significantly increase the effectiveness of counter inflation in the economy. <...> Anchoring the principles, goals and objectives, as well as the limits of state intervention in the process of market pricing in the normative regulation can provide substantial social outcome that will ensure the stability of the Russian economy as a whole. <...> The author's conclusions may be of interest for further discussion and constructive criticism from scientists and experts in the field of state regulation of trade. <...> A number of provisions put forward in this paper can also be used in the formation of educational-methodological base for the machine control and supervisory bodies. <...> Сегодня как никогда необходим эффективный механизм сдерживания инфляции, позволяющий одновременно соблюдать интересы бизнеса и всего общества.! <...>