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Пробелы в российском законодательстве  / №5 2014


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Первый авторОсипова Надежда Владимировна
АннотацияВ статье обсуждается институт объективной истины в уголовном процессе, усиливающий роль суда, который получит право не только оценивать представленные сторонами доказательства, но и собирать их самостоятельно. Законопроект является одним из наиболее обсуждаемых в настоящее время
Осипова, Н.В. 6.1. ОБЪЕКТИВНАЯ ИСТИНА В УГОЛОВНОМ ПРОЦЕССЕ КАК ЦЕЛЬ ДОКАЗЫВАНИЯ / Н.В. Осипова // Пробелы в российском законодательстве .— 2014 .— №5 .— С. 196-200 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/571736 (дата обращения: 20.06.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

OBJECTIVE TRUTH IN THE CRIMINAL PROCESS AS BURDEN OF PROOF Osipova Nadeajda Vladimirovna, PhD at Law. <...> Place of employment: Ufa Law Institute of the Interior of Russia. <...> E-mail: renatnasir @mail.ru Annotation: The article tells about the principle of objective truth in the criminal process, that implies activation position of the court, who should have the right not only to assess the evidence presented by the parties, but to collect it yourself. <...> The bill of the principle of objective truth is one of the most discussed in the present. 196 tute of objective truth, which will bring the elements of the inquisitorial process, when the judge along with their features judging performs the functions of prosecution and investigation. <...> Model - framework of work-universal dialectic-materialistic cognition method of objective reality. <...> Used scientific methods of analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction. <...> Conclusions - the constitutional principle of justice only by the court of not aligning with the performance of his powers to fight crime. <...> The scope of the study/possibility of subsequent use of the results of scientific work - ontОnt аork iНОntitв Мan bО used in further research associated with the development of the analyzed problem. <...> Practical importance - some of the findings may be taken into account in the practice of the courts, taken into account in the discussion of the draft law on the introduction to the criminal process of the Institute of objective truth. <...> Originality/value - Based on the analysis of norms of the criminal procedure law, studied the Institute of objective truth. <...> Is intended for scientists, educators, and students in all areas of law, as well as practical workers of law enforcement. <...> Balakshin V.S/ Objective truth as purpose evidence. // [Electronic resource] // URL: http://www.superinf. ru/view_helpstud.php_id=697. 2. <...> The decision of the Constitutional Court of the RussТaЧ FОНОraЭТoЧ ПroЦ 28.11.199619-P "On the case about the verification of constitutionality of article 418 of the Criminal procedure code of the RSFSR in connection with the request Caratooz district court of Krasnoyarsk reРТoЧ" // ЭСО RЮssТaЧ ЧОаspapОr. 1996 . № 234. 4. <...> TСО НОМТsТoЧЭСО oЧsЭТЭЮЭТoЧaХ CoЮrЭ oП ЭСО RЮssТaЧ FОНОraЭТoЧ oП 20.04.1999 № 7-P "On the case about the verification of constitutionality of the provisions of paragraphs 1 and 3 of part one of article 232, the fourth part of article 248 and the first part of article 258 of the Criminal procedure code of the RSFSR in connection with requests Irkutsk <...>