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Пробелы в российском законодательстве  / №4 2014


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Первый авторБакирова Зямзямгуль Болатоена
АннотацияДействующие Конституции Российской Федерации и Республики Казахстан, безусловно, являются одними из наиболее проработанных и совершенных с позиций юридической техники правовых актов указанных государств. Однако и в них остается открытым ряд вопросов, из которых одним из наиболее важных представляется вопрос о выборе критериев разграничения полномочий Президента и Правительства
Бакирова, З.Б. 1.3. К ВОПРОСУ ОБ ОПРЕДЕЛЕНИИ ОБЩИХ ВИДОВ КРИТЕРИЕВ РАЗГРАНИЧЕНИЯ ПОЛНОМОЧИЙ ПРЕЗИДЕНТА И ПРАВИТЕЛЬСТВА РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ И РЕСПУБЛИКИ КАЗАХСТАН / З.Б. Бакирова // Пробелы в российском законодательстве .— 2014 .— №4 .— С. 19-22 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/571575 (дата обращения: 02.06.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

ON THE DETERMINATION OF CERTAIN COMMON CRITERIA DELIMITATION OF POWERS PRESIDENT AND GOVERNMENT OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION AND THE REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN Bakirova Zyamzyamgul Bolatovna, competitor. <...> E-mail: zyama_b@mail.ru Annotation: On the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Kazakhstan, of course, are among the most committed and worked from the standpoint of legal technique and legal acts of those States. <...> However, there remains a number of open questions, of which one of the most important is the question about the choice of criteria of differentiation of the President and the Government. <...> On the pages of scientific journals, including foreign, continues active debate on this question, which involved a number of prominent scientists who study constitutional law countries formed the post-Soviet space, including western, such as Henderson, Mark H. Eckert and etc. <...> Lack of clarity in the definition of the criteria for such differentiation leads to considerable difficulties in the practical application of the machinery of government, which in turn requires them to improve through changes and additions to the law of the state - the Constitution. <...> In the article the author's choice is seen as the ultimate goal the development of classification and compilation of a list of criteria of differentiation of powers government entities in the field of public administration and the executive. <...> Therefore, this research study aimed at exploring the criteria for the division of powers of the President and the Government of the Russian Federation and Kazakhstan, established constitutions of those States, it is very important. <...> In their study, the author uses, in addition to methods of comparative and benchmarking, as well as formal logical methods of classification, generalization, and typology. <...> Explores the notion of "criterion", "delineation criteria." Analyzed standpoint theoretical scientists to determine the definition of "criteria 19 4'2014     of differentiation." Formed features and properties that are common types of criteria of differentiation of the President and the Government of the Russian Federation and Kazakhstan. <...> Copyright widely studying the opinions of experts on the aforesaid issues, advances and defends their own judgment. <...> As a conclusion, the author suggested that the presence of common criteria for the division of powers of the President and Government of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Kazakhstan contributes to the establishment and maintenance of a stable society, the rule of law. <...> As a result, defined the concept of criteria of differentiation, their classification on the basis of allocation of general and special, is a complete set of common criteria. <...> The novelty of this research study is seen in the fact that it provides a comparative and comparative <...>