Национальный цифровой ресурс Руконт - межотраслевая электронная библиотека (ЭБС) на базе технологии Контекстум (всего произведений: 608409)
Computational nanotechnology  / №2 2014


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Первый авторEmel’yanov
АннотацияA nonlinear two-dimensional hydrodynamic (HD) equation of Kuramoto-Sivashinsky(KS) type for the thickness of the laser pulse-induced viscous molten layer on solid base is derived in the long wavelength and weak nonlinearity approximation. Linear stability analysis shows that under the condition that the temperature gradient in the surface laser-melted layer is directed from the surface to the bulk, the thermocapillar or evaporative hydrodynamic instability sets in, that leads to the formation of surface relief structures with dimensions proportional to the thickness of the molten layer. Computer simulations predict the successive formation, in linear and nonlinear regimes, of extended lamellar-like, disordered and hexagonal periodic structures of the surface relief when the time of irradiation is increased. Under tight laser light focusing, in the quasi-nonlinear regime, phase synchronization of Fourier harmonics of the surface relief, occurring due to the three HD mode interactions, is shown to lead to formation of holes or nanobumps (nanojets). Crown-like computer solutions of the HDKS equation are obtained in the case of Gaussian intensity distribution in the laser beam
Emel’yanov, VladimirI. 2.2. FORMATION OF MICRO- AND NANOSTRUCTURES ON THE SURFACE OF LASER-CREATED MOLTEN LAYER WITH INVERTED NORMAL TEMPERATURE GRADIENT / VladimirI. Emel’yanov // Computational nanotechnology .— 2014 .— №2 .— С. 28-39 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/570024 (дата обращения: 13.03.2025)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

FORMATION OF MICRO- AND NANOSTRUCTURES ON THE SURFACE OF LASER-CREATED MOLTEN LAYER WITH INVERTED NORMAL TEMPERATURE GRADIENT Emel’yanov Vladimir I., the Doctor of Science in Physics and Mathematics, professor. <...> Physics Faculty of Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia, emel@em.msk.ru Abstract: A nonlinear two-dimensional hydrodynamic (HD) equation of Kuramoto-Sivashinsky(KS) type for the thickness of the laser pulse-induced viscous molten layer on solid base is derived in the long wavelength and weak nonlinearity approximation. <...> Linear stability analysis shows that under the condition that the temperature gradient in the surface laser-melted layer is directed from the surface to the bulk, the thermocapillar or evaporative hydrodynamic instability sets in, that leads to the formation of surface relief structures with dimensions proportional to the thickness of the molten layer. <...> Computer simulations predict the successive formation, in linear and nonlinear regimes, of extended lamellar-like, disordered and hexagonal periodic structures of the surface relief when the time of irradiation is increased. <...> Under tight laser light focusing, in the quasi-nonlinear regime, phase synchronization of Fourier harmonics of the surface relief, occurring due to the three HD mode interactions, is shown to lead to formation of holes or nanobumps (nanojets). <...> Crown-like computer solutions of the HDKS equation are obtained in the case of Gaussian intensity distribution in the laser beam. <...> Index terms: pulsed laser irradiation of solids, laser-induced surface melt, inverted normal temperature gradient, thermocapillar and evaporative instability of surface relief, modified hydrodynamic Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation, computer simulations of HDKS equation, lamellar, disordered, and hexagonal periodic surface structures, nanoholes, nanobumps (nanojets) and crowns 1. <...> Оne of the main tools for the theoretical investigation of these phenomena is the nonlinear Kuramoto-Sivashinsky (KS) equation [2,3]. <...> Two-dimensional KS equations were derived for the defect concentration in a defect-enriched solid layer formed by laser irradiation [6,7] and for surface defect (adatom) concentration [8]. <...> Studies of formation of surface micro- and nanostructures occurring in laser-induced liquid state (surface melts) also pose a number of problems and questions regarding irradiation conditions, formation mechanisms and ways of controlling surface structure characteristics. <...> Among them are establishing of necessary conditions of surface HD instability leading to structure formation and the dependence of the size and symmetry of fabricated surface <...>