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Вестник Пермского университета. Юридические науки  / №3 2016


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Первый авторFadeeva
АвторыVasileva Yu.V.
АннотацияIntroduction: the article is devoted to the autonomization process (gaining of ethnical and territorial autonomy) in modern Europe and relevance of the social component in this process. Purpose: to analyze the significance of the social component, considered under this study as vesting autonomies with power to carry out social policy and providing them with the relevant financial opportunities in the course of decentralization and devolution. Methods: the methodological framework of the research is based on a set of methods, including universal, general scientific methods and also comparative law and technical methods. Results: various models of autonomization in Europe show various strategies of regional and/or ethnical elites. The models considered in the article are characterized with the elites’ focus on gaining a high degree of autonomy and its legitimation (decentralization without breakup of the state, devolution without revolution). Though political ambitions, ethnical and regional identity play their significant part, socio-economic factors, in general, and the autonomization social component, in particular, determine this process to a considerable extent. The European models of autonomization do not exemplify political ambitions being satisfied at the expense of social policy curtailing
Fadeeva, L.A. SOCIAL COMPONENT OF AUTONOMIZATION IN EUROPE: LEGAL ASPECTS / L.A. Fadeeva, Yu.V. Vasileva // Вестник Пермского университета. Юридические науки .— 2016 .— №3 .— С. 84-91 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/531618 (дата обращения: 19.04.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

ТРУДОВОЕ ПРАВО И ПРАВО СОЦИАЛЬНОГО ОБЕСПЕЧЕНИЯ Information for citation: Fadeeva L. A., Vasil’eva Yu. <...> V. Social Component of Autonomization in Europe: Legal Aspects. <...> V. Vasil’eva Doctor of Juridical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Labor and International Law Perm State University 15, Bukireva st., Perm, 614990, Russia ORCID: 0000-0002-8010-340X ResearcherID: F-7864-2016 e-mail: vasilev95@list.ru Introduction: the article is devoted to the autonomization process (gaining of ethnical and territorial autonomy) in modern Europe and relevance of the social component in this process. <...> Purpose: to analyze the significance of the social component, considered under this study as vesting autonomies with power to carry out social policy and providing them with the relevant financial opportunities in the course of decentralization and devolution. <...> Methods: the methodological framework of the research is based on a set of methods, including universal, general scientific methods and also comparative law and technical methods. <...> Results: various models of autonomization in Europe show various strategies of regional and/or ethnical elites. <...> The models considered in the article are characterized with the elites’ focus on gaining a high degree of autonomy and its legitimation (decentralization without breakup of the state, devolution without revolution). <...> Though political ambitions, ethnical and regional identity play their significant part, socio-economic factors, in general, and the autonomization social component, in particular, determine this process to a considerable extent. <...> The European models of autonomization do not exemplify political ambitions being satisfied at the expense of social policy curtailing. <...> Keywords: autonomization; decentralization; devolution; social policy; European Union law Introduction © Ethnical territorial autonomy is often considered as the result of consensus between authorities of different levels, elites, ethnical groups, which is © Fadeeva L. A., Vasil’eva Yu. <...> V. Vasil’eva of scientists working in the field of interethnic relations [8; 15; 23; 1]. <...> Legal basis for autonomization in Europe At the same time, the EU founding documents only partially cover the issues of peoples and ethnical communities’ rights, giving preference to the socio-economic development and integration [4; 9; 13]. <...> The preamble of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, dated 2000, states that “the Union contributes to the preservation and to the development of these common <...>