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Первый авторDonahue
АннотацияAmerica’s economic future depends on planning for the future, working together instead of competing, accepting great changes, and understanding America’s role as an integral part of both the U.S. and global economiсs
Donahue, T. HORIZONS OF AMERICAN ECONOMY / T. Donahue // Вестник Воронежского государственного университета. Серия: Экономика и управление .— 2009 .— №1 .— С. 75-79 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/518207 (дата обращения: 13.03.2025)

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HORIZONS OF AMERICAN ECONOMY T. Donahue Success Depends on Planning, Collaboration, Accepting Change America’s economic future depends on planning for the future, working together instead of competing, accepting great changes, and understanding America’s role as an integral part of both the U.S. and global economiсs. <...> The Five New Realities of Economic Development in the 21st Century,” written by Sandy K. Baruah, head of the Economic Development Administration, shows: 1. <...> Federal, state and local government The federal and state levels of government serve many functions in the management of local governments and their citizens, including developing and maintaining infrastructure. <...> The world is using the Unites States’ public infrastructure model in their countries to maximize their global trade opportunities, which further emphasizes the importance of ВЕСТНИК ВГУ. <...> СЕРИЯ: ЭКОНОМИКА И УПРАВЛЕНИЕ. 2009. ¹ 1 77 T. Donahue evaluating and updating our infrastructure. <...> Matthew D. Chase is Executive Director of the National Association of Development Organizations (NADO) and stated in early 2008: «Our global competitors have learned from the economic history of the United States. <...> Their work isn’t complete as they remain focused on linking communities with high-speed rail, 97 new airports and more than 300,000 kilometers of new roads». «These investments are not just taking place in urban areas; much of the emphasis is on connecting its vast rural landscape and workforce to trade centers and markets around the world. <...> Other emerging markets, such as India, parts of Europe and many sub-Saharan Africa nations, are also spending an increasing portion of their Gross National Product (GDP) (anywhere from four to eight percent vs. slightly about two percent for the U.S.) on infrastructure upgrades and improvements. <...> However, these nations are making strategic investments aimed at connecting nearly 70 percent of the world’s workforce to the rest of the globe. <...> Business and industry; agribusiness Telecommunications has allowed America businesses to participate in the global economy. <...> According to Telecommunications Industry News (reported by Scarborough Research), 78 broadband penetration has grown by 300 percent in the United States in the past six years, allowing people to become online entrepreneurs. <...> Approximately <...>