Национальный цифровой ресурс Руконт - межотраслевая электронная библиотека (ЭБС) на базе технологии Контекстум (всего произведений: 645695)
Вестник Воронежского государственного университета. Серия: Физика. Математика  / №2 2014


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Первый авторZvyagin
АвторыOrlov V.P.
Аннотацияthis paper presents results on solvability of multidimensional systems of equations of thermoviscoelasticity. Both compressible and incompressible continua are considered. The existence and uniqueness of regular, weak and weak-renormalized solutions are given, both local and global. The systems under consideration are coupled systems of a motion equation and an energy equation. The results are based on the reduction of the system of equations of thermoviscoelasticity to an operator equation in the suitable Banach space. The operator equation is constructed by means of successive solving of the motion equation and the energy equation. The corresponding apriori estimates admit to obtain the solvability of operator equations by means of application of various fix-point theorems. The theory of anisotropic Sobolev spaces with a mixed norm is used
Zvyagin, V.G. EXISTENCE AND UNIQUENESS RESULTS FOR A COUPLED PROBLEM IN CONTINUUM THERMOMECHANICS / V.G. Zvyagin, V.P. Orlov // Вестник Воронежского государственного университета. Серия: Физика. Математика .— 2014 .— №2 .— С. 121-142 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/511904 (дата обращения: 18.07.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

UDK 517.958 EXISTENCE AND UNIQUENESS RESULTS FOR A COUPLED PROBLEM IN CONTINUUM THERMOMECHANICS V. G. Zvyagin, V. P. Orlov (Voronezh State University) Поступила в редакцию 22.03.2014 г. <...> Abstract: this paper presents results on solvability of multidimensional systems of equations of thermoviscoelasticity. <...> Both compressible and incompressible continua are considered. <...> The existence and uniqueness of regular, weak and weak-renormalized solutions are given, both local and global. <...> The systems under consideration are coupled systems of a motion equation and an energy equation. <...> The results are based on the reduction of the system of equations of thermoviscoelasticity to an operator equation in the suitable Banach space. <...> The operator equation is constructed by means of successive solving of the motion equation and the energy equation. <...> The corresponding apriori estimates admit to obtain the solvability of operator equations by means of application of various fix-point theorems. <...> The theory of anisotropic Sobolev spaces with a mixed norm is used. <...> Key words and phrases: Thermoviscoelastic continuum, successive approximations, a priori estimates, fix-point theorem, weak solution, weak-renormalized solution, Oberbeck-Boussinesq type system. <...> МАТЕМАТИКА. 2014. № 2 Existence and uniqueness results for a coupled problem in continuum thermomechanics 1. <...> INTRODUCTION In the present paper we review existence results for multidimensional thermoviscoelastic systems. <...> Thermoviscoelastic system represents balance laws for the linear momentum and energy. <...> The linear momentum balance equation is specified by the stress tensor given by a rheology law of the appropriate type. <...> The energy equation is governed by thermodynamic potentials ( the free energy, the internal energy, the dissipation potential et.c.) which characterize the material. <...> Different assumptions about the form of the rheology law and the thermodynamic potentials generate a variety of system of thermoviscoelasticity. <...> The existence of solutions to such systems is established by a suitable successive approximation method to regularized (if needed) system in a suitable functional space, proof of solvability of which is based on appropriately chosen successive approximations, global a priori estimates, application of a fixed point theorem and pass to the limit. <...> In this paper we present the series of results on multidimensional mathematical models of thermoviscoelasticity. <...> The review does not claim to be exhaustive in its domain and is only intended to demonstrate wildly used applications of the based on fix-point arguments methods in the theory <...>