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Лабораторная диагностика Восточная Европа  / №2 2012

Use of Gold Nanoparticles to Prepare Polyclonal Antibodies against Tuberculin and to Study the Mechanisms of Humoral Response Development (30,00 руб.)

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Первый авторStaroverov
АвторыVidyasheva I.V., Gabalov K.P., Vasilenko O.A., Laskavyi V.N., Bogatyrev V.A., Dykman L.A., Shchyogolev S.
АннотацияDespite the more than a century-old history of using the Pirquet and Mantoux tests for the rapid diagnosis of tuberculosis, the ef efctiveness of determination of Koch’s bacillus infection remains relatively low. This fact is related to the peculiarities of the immune response of warm-blooded animals to Mycobacterium infection. Tuberculin is used to demonstrate delayed type hypersensitivity reactions to mycobacterial antigen in animals or humans, as seen in individuals previously infected with Mycobacterium or vaccinated with BCG. Therefore a skin test can be performed repeatedly and, in case of positivity, still be diagnostic of earlier mycobacteria infection or previous vaccination with BCG. In this work, the interaction of tuberculin with the phagocytizing cells of the immune system was studied. Rabbit immunization with tuberculin complexed with gold nanoparticles gave rise to a tuberculin-specif ci antiserum. The colloidal-gold–tuberculin conjugates did not inhibit the respiratory activity of rat peritoneal cells. Dark-f ield light and confocal laser microscopies showed that the gold nanoparticles penetrated the intracellular spaces of the peritoneal macrophages in vitro, possibly relieving in part the toxic ef efct produced by tuberculin
Use of Gold Nanoparticles to Prepare Polyclonal Antibodies against Tuberculin and to Study the Mechanisms of Humoral Response Development / S.A. Staroverov [и др.] // Лабораторная диагностика Восточная Европа .— 2012 .— №2 .— С. 43-49 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/493351 (дата обращения: 13.03.2025)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Оригинальные исследования / Фтизиатрия и пульмонология Staroverov S.A.1, 2 Shchyogolev S.Yu.1 , Vidyasheva I.V.1 , Dykman L.A.1 , Gabalov K.P.2 Russian Academy of Sciences, Saratov, Russia 2 , Vasilenko O.A.2 , Laskavyi V.N.2 1 Institute of Biochemistry and Physiology of Plants and Microorganisms, Saratov Science Research Veterinary Institute, Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Saratov, Russia Use of Gold Nanoparticles to Prepare Polyclonal Antibodies against Tuberculin and to Study the Mechanisms of Humoral Response Development1 УДК 616-002.5-053.2 Поступила в редакцию 16.03.2012 г. <...> Контакты: e-mail: dykman@ibppm.sgu.ru , Bogatyrev V.A.1 , Resume Despite the more than a century-old history of using the Pirquet and Mantoux tests for the rapid diagnosis of tuberculosis, the eff ectiveness of determination of Koch’s bacillus infection remains relatively low. <...> This fact is related to the peculiarities of the immune response of warm-blooded animals to Mycobacterium infection. <...> Tuberculin is used to demonstrate delayed type hypersensitivity reactions to mycobacterial antigen in animals or humans, as seen in individuals previously infected with Mycobacterium or vaccinated with BCG. <...> Therefore a skin test can be performed repeatedly and, in case of positivity, still be diagnostic of earlier mycobacteria infection or previous vaccination with BCG. <...> In this work, the interaction of tuberculin with the phagocytizing cells of the immune system was studied. <...> The colloidal-gold–tuberculin conjugates did not inhibit the respiratory activity of rat peritoneal cells. <...> Dark-fi eld light and confocal laser microscopies showed that the gold nanoparticles penetrated the intracellular spaces of the peritoneal macrophages in vitro, possibly relieving in part the toxic eff ect produced by tuberculin. <...> Key words: Gold nanoparticles; Tuberculin; Antibodies; Peritoneal macrophages; Microscopy. 1 Работа выполнена в рамках плановых исследований ИБФРМ РАН и гранта программы Президиума РАН «Фундаментальные науки – медицине». «Лабораторная диагностика» № 2 (02), 2012 43 Use of Gold Nanoparticles to Prepare Polyclonal Antibodies against Tuberculin and to Study the Mechanisms of Humoral Response Development Gold nanoparticles as carriers of antigens and drugs have found extensive applications in current medicine and biology, and these constructions have been widely used for immunologic and therapeutic <...>