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Кардиология в Беларуси  / №3 2012

The role of amyloidal angiopathias in pathogenesis of acute myocardial ischemia at familial mediterranean fever (30,00 руб.)

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Первый авторHambardzumyan
АннотацияFamilial Mediterranean fever (FMF) is complicated rarely with cardiac amyloidosis. Clinical-morphological analysis of 105 autopsy cases with diagnosis of FMF was done. Cardiac amyloidosis in FMF manifested with massive amyloid depositions in myocardium stroma leads to heart failure and death of patients. Macroscopically cardiomegaly, and microscopically amyloid in the myocardium stroma and vascular walls in such cases was observe. The large amyloid masses of the myocardium stroma according to clinical-instrumental data sometimes as a myocardial infarction were manifested. The zone of infarction macro- and microscopically was not found in autopsy material in such cases and as a“pseudoinfarction”was evaluated. Cardiac failure develops before other organ insufficiency. In cases with clinically silent cardiac lesions connected with FMF, moderately expressed cardiomegaly observes, or without any manifestations was in autopsy material. Myocardium ischemia develops in background of cardiac lesions in FMF, in which amyloidal angiopathias and coronary vasculitis are the main predisposing pathogenic factors. Atherosclerotic changes of the vessels were complicated with vascular amyloid depositions. Atherosclerotic changes of the myocardium arteries in background of amyloidal angiopathias more often occurs. Amyloidal angiopathias of the heart at FMF, wich develops in background of cardiopathic amyloidosis, together with atherosclerosis leads to myocardium infarction and death.
Hambardzumyan, S.V. The role of amyloidal angiopathias in pathogenesis of acute myocardial ischemia at familial mediterranean fever / S.V. Hambardzumyan // Кардиология в Беларуси .— 2012 .— №3 .— С. 92-96 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/491763 (дата обращения: 14.03.2025)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Hambardzumyan S.V., Yerevan State Medical University after M. Heratsi, Yerevan, Armenia The role of amyloidal angiopathias in pathogenesis of acute myocardial ischemia at familial mediterranean fever УДК 616.1-056.7-091 Поступила в редакцию 25.05.2012 г. <...> Clinical-morphological analysis of 105 autopsy cases with diagnosis of FMF was done. <...> Cardiac amyloidosis in FMF manifested with massive amyloid depositions in myocardium stroma leads to heart failure and death of patients. <...> Macroscopically cardiomegaly, and microscopically amyloid in the myocardium stroma and vascular walls in such cases was observe. <...> The large amyloid masses of the myocardium stroma according to clinical-instrumental data sometimes as a myocardial infarction were manifested. <...> The zone of infarction macro- and microscopically was not found in autopsy material in such cases and as a “pseudoinfarction” was evaluated. <...> Cardiac failure develops before other organ insuffi ciency. <...> In cases with clinically silent cardiac lesions connected with FMF, moderately expressed cardiomegaly observes, or without any manifestations was in autopsy material. <...> Myocardium ischemia develops in background of cardiac lesions in FMF, in which amyloidal angiopathias and coronary vasculitis are the main predisposing pathogenic factors. <...> Atherosclerotic changes of the vessels were complicated with vascular amyloid depositions. <...> Atherosclerotic changes of the myocardium arteries in background of amyloidal angiopathias more often occurs. <...> Amyloidal angiopathias of the heart at FMF, wich develops in background of cardiopathic amyloidosis, together with atherosclerosis leads to myocardium infarction and death. <...> Key words: Familial Mediterranean fever, cardiopathic amyloidosis, myocardial ischemic infarction, morphology. <...> Renal involvement is known as the main complication in FMF, mostly presents with nephrotic syndrome and chronic renal failure [3, 5]. <...> Оригинальные исследования tively rare complications in FMF, often without clinical manifestations, or manifested after renal transplantation [4, 7]. <...> MATERIAL AND METHODS We have investigated morphologically the autopsy material from 105 patients aged 15–65 years and dead from complications of FMF without renal transplantation. <...> Clinically manifested cardiac lesions without morphological manifestations in 23 cases (21.9%) were discovered as a heart defect and accompanied with FMF ischemic heart disease. <...> Cardiac amyloidosis in investigated cases clinically as an acute or chronic ischemic heart disease, cardiomyopathy <...>