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Вопросы филологических наук  / №1 2014


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Первый авторСедова
АннотацияДанная статья рассматривает основные особенности постмодернизма, отраженные в произведении Курта Воннегута «А кто я теперь?». В статье представлен подробный анализ произведения, посредством которого выявляются черты постмодернистской литературы на уровне содержания, композиции, использования художественных приемов и взаимоотношений читателя и писателя
Седова, А.Д. ОСОБЕННОСТИ ПОСТМОДЕРНИЗМА В ПРОИЗВЕДЕНИИ «А КТО Я ТЕПЕРЬ?» КУРТА ВОННЕГУТА / А.Д. Седова // Вопросы филологических наук .— 2014 .— №1 .— С. 7-8 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/489994 (дата обращения: 17.07.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Д., Томский государственный педагогический университет ОСОБЕННОСТИ ПОСТМОДЕРНИЗМА В ПРОИЗВЕДЕНИИ «А КТО Я ТЕПЕРЬ?» КУРТА ВОННЕГУТА Данная статья рассматривает основные особенности постмодернизма, отраженные в произведении Курта Воннегута «А кто я теперь?». <...> POSTMODERNISM FEATURES IN “WHO AM I THIS TIME?” BY K. VONNEGUT “Who am I this time?” is a short story that belongs to the anthology “Welcome to the Monkey House” written by K. Vonnegut. <...> This work is a representative of the postmodernism period and it certainly reflects its particular features. <...> First of all, the characteristic peculiar to postmodernism that seemed to me to be the most noticeable and prominent in this work is sense of disjunction and desolation. <...> If we appeal to the very beginning of the story, we will see at once in the first description of the main characterHarry Nash – the following words: “He never came to meetings, he was too shy”, “he wasn’t married”, “he didn’t go out with women, didn’t have any close men friends either”. [3] This is how Harry Nash’s loneliness is expressed here, he suffers from desolation. <...> The same theme of detachment appears when we meet Helene Shaw. <...> She is a personage who doesn’t want to belong to a particular society because she has to move from place to place all the time. <...> Certainly, it is important to be accepted by the society, otherwise one feels secluded and abandoned. <...> That is why, when Helene joined the new theatre community, she was happy with it (“It was the first time anybody ever asked me to participate in any community thing”). <...> She opened up for others from a new side, though she had been a self-contained person before. <...> The second feature that, in my opinion, combines these two characters and makes them similar is indeterminacy and, as Nealon and Giroux call it, “cool apathy”. [2] It can also be observed throughout the whole story. <...> For instance, Harry Nash is not concerned about anything, even about the theatre life that he likes (“Harry wasn’t at the meeting to say whether he <...>

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