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Вопросы филологических наук  / №1 2014


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Первый авторСедова
АннотацияСтатья раскрывает суть понятий доместикации и форенизации, выделяет достоинства и недостатки их применения при переводе, обосновывает цели использования переводчиком той или иной стратегии. В статье приводятся примеры и объясняется целесообразность употребления данных приёмов при переводе имён собственных с английского языка на русский на материале произведения
Седова, А.Д. ИСПОЛЬЗОВАНИЕ ПРИЁМОВ ДОМЕСТИКАЦИИ И ФОРЕНИЗАЦИИ ПРИ ПЕРЕВОДЕ ИМЁН СОБСТВЕННЫХ В ПРОИЗВЕДЕНИИ «ГАРРИ ПОТТЕР» ДЖ.К. РОУЛИНГ / А.Д. Седова // Вопросы филологических наук .— 2014 .— №1 .— С. 5-6 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/489993 (дата обращения: 17.07.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Вопросы филологических наук, № 1, 2014 Литература народов стран зарубежья Седова А. <...> Д., Томский государственный педагогический университет ИСПОЛЬЗОВАНИЕ ПРИЁМОВ ДОМЕСТИКАЦИИ И ФОРЕНИЗАЦИИ ПРИ ПЕРЕВОДЕ ИМЁН СОБСТВЕННЫХ В ПРОИЗВЕДЕНИИ «ГАРРИ ПОТТЕР» ДЖ. <...> DOMESTICATION AND FOREIGNIZATION BY TRANSLATING PROPER NAMES IN HARRY POTTER Translation does not only involve giving the equivalent meaning in the target language, it involves considering the values of the target language and the source language whether they are linguistic values or cultural ones. <...> By translating texts we can use different strategies which will either make our text more comprehensible or preserve some original features. <...> Domestication is the strategy of making text closely conform to the culture of the language being translated to. <...> Theoretically, domesticating translation takes language as a tool of communication. <...> In translation practice, it will make a translated text as readable as possible in the target language, without any traces of the source text linguistics or unfamiliar expressions, making it fluent and transparent. [3] A translator tends to be oriented to the target text readers. <...> Therefore, the methods used are communicative, idiomatic, free, or adapted translation. [1] However, there are some disadvantages of applying this approach: firstly, the aspects in the source language can be faded, and, secondly loss of information can occur. <...> It is the strategy of retaining information from the source text, and it involves deliberately breaking the conventions of the target language to preserve its meaning. <...> Foreignization in translation can be used to keep the culture of the source language by involving cultural aspects in the source language to the target language.[3] It is hoped that intercultural learning can be done through the translation. <...> They will use word-for-word, literal, faithful, or semantic translation method. <...> At the same time we can observe some disadvantages here: the target text readers may feel unfamiliar with some terms of the source language, and the target text sometimes can sound complex and unnatural. <...> As an example for analysis I chose the translation of Harry Potter from English into Russian by Mariya Spivack. <...> The translator here operates with both strategies. <...> Thus, for instance, the names of main heroes remain <...>