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Педагогические науки  / №4 (79) 2016


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Первый авторЯкушева
АвторыРазумовского К.Г.
АннотацияСтатья посвящена проблемам восприятия визуальной информации учащимся с синдромом дислексии, сложностям, испытываемым самими учащимися, вариантам проявления этого отклонения, методам и способам преодоления этих трудностей
Якушева, В.А. ПРЕПОДАВАНИЕ АНГЛИЙСКОГО ЯЗЫКА УЧАЩИМСЯ, СТРАДАЮЩИМ ДИСЛЕКСИЕЙ / В.А. Якушева, К.Г. Разумовского // Педагогические науки .— 2016 .— №4 (79) .— С. 33-35 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/479917 (дата обращения: 19.04.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

А., старший преподаватель Московского государственного университета технологии и управления им. <...> TEACHING ENGLISH TO DYSLEXIC STUDENTS Key words: the definition of dyslexia, how dyslexia manifests itself, how dyslexic students perceive visual information, methods of teaching dyslexic students, how to accommodate them in class, multi sensory teaching, references. <...> Dyslexia is difficult to define because four different levels need to be considered in its definition: behavioural, cognitive, biological and environmental. <...> At the behavioural level there seems to be an agreement that dyslexia manifests itself in reading problems (although we will see below reading difficulties are not the sole symptoms of dyslexia). <...> The definition of dyslexia, however, is insufficient for several reasons. <...> First of all, reading difficulties can be caused by a number of factors and not only by dyslexia; thus poor performance in a reading test is not a sufficient diagnostic criterion for dyslexia. <...> Secondly, with age and practise, the reading skills of dyslexics improve, and the severity of reading problems tends to decrease, yet other dyslexic problems such as spelling difficulties might remain. <...> They often prefer home-studying or taking individual lessons. <...> So, there arises a question whether dyslexic students should study a foreign language or it will an excessive burden for them. <...> But if we take into consideration that all people should be given an opportunity to learn a foreign language, we can say that they should study it as well as other subjects, only with the notion that they should be given more attention, special approach and support from their peers. <...> We should not forget that some languages are more transparent in reading and can cause fewer problems in perceiving information from the text than English, for example, Spanish or Italian. 33 Педагогические науки, № 4, 2016 So I would like to offer some techniques which proved to be effective while teaching dyslexic students in groups. <...> Also, to improve reading skills, the student can read the printed words silently while listening to the recorded text. 2. <...> If a student is easily distracted by visual stimuli on a full worksheet or page, a blank sheet of paper can be used <...>

Облако ключевых слов *

* - вычисляется автоматически