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Антиплагиат Руконтекст
Техника машиностроения  / №2 2016


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Первый авторАбдуганиев
АвторыКеплер И.
АннотацияЭта статья ставит своей целью содействовать важность и необходимость использования и продвижения информационных и коммуникационных технологий (ИКТ), пытаясь показать свою безусловную и огромное влияние на экономическое и социальное развитие
Абдуганиев, С.Г. ИКТ КАК ДВИГАТЕЛЬ ЭКОНОМИЧЕСКОГО РОСТА / С.Г. Абдуганиев, И. Кеплер // Техника машиностроения .— 2016 .— №2 .— С. 18-22 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/470933 (дата обращения: 29.06.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

www.mashizdat.ru ИНФОРМАЦИОННЫЕ ТЕХНОЛОГИИ UDC 004.3 ICT AS AN ENGINE OF GROWTH S.G. Abduganiev1 , J. Kepler J.2 1 Polytechnical Institute of Tajik Technical University named by M.Osimi Khujand, Tajikistan 2 Johannes University, Linz, Austria This paper aims to foster the importance and need of using and promotionofinformation and Communications Technology (ICT), trying to show its unconditionaland huge impact on economic and socialdevelopment. <...> Ключевые слова: ИКТ, мобильная связь, ВВП, план ИКТ, денежные услуги, электронное правительство и коммерция, здравоохранение, оцифровка, большие данные. <...> ICT offer the potential not just to collect, store, process and diffuse enormous quantities of information at minimal cost, but also to network, interact and communicate across the world. <...> McKinsey’s most recent consumer survey shows that the ICT industry is perceived to be among the top four industries in terms of its potential contribution to society behind only healthcare, agriculture, and utilities. <...> Since the late 1990s access to ICT has seen tremendous growth. <...> Mobile communications have evolved from simple voice and text services to diversified innovative applications and mobile broadband Internet. <...> The mobile telecommunication sector continues to offer unprecedented opportunities for economic growth in both developing and developed markets. <...> The mobile is an example of a technology product whose falling costs made it accessible to all income classes. <...> Mobile data traffic, 2012-2017 forecasts, by enduser device Source: Cisco VNI Mobile Forecast, 2013 ICT created approximately 5 percent of total gross domestic product (GDP) growth between 2003 and 2008, and it represented 5.4 percent of world’s GDP in 2008.That share is expected to reach 8.7 percent by 2020. (McKinsey, 2013) In 2010 according to the Broadband Commission, a joint body of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), every 10 percent increase in broadband penetration results in additional growth of 1.3 percent in national GDP. <...> Research has shown that investment in ICT is associated with such economic benefits as higher productivity, lower costs, new economic opportunities, job creation, innovation, and increased trade. <...> Increased <...>