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Первый авторMcGregor
АннотацияПредставлены два проекта. В первом исследуются возможности улучшения содержания словарей, во втором рассматривается краткий курс экологического развития Земли за последнее столетие.
McGregor, C. The word-book the tiger / C. McGregor // Вестник Московского университета. Серия 19. Лингвистика и межкультурная коммуникация .— 2011 .— №2 .— С. 130-139 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/469935 (дата обращения: 01.07.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Лингвистика и межкультурная коммуникация. 2011. № 2 Charles Thomas McGregor THE WORD-BOOK AND THE TIGER В статье представлены два проекта. <...> В первом исследуются возможности улучшения содержания словарей, во втором рассматривается краткий курс экологического развития Земли за последнее столетие. <...> Ключевые слова: улучшение содержания словарей, проекты, словарь в мобильном телефоне, история экологического развития. <...> The first explores the possibilities of new technology for improving vocabulary acquisition, the second provides a short course for advanced learners of English: an environmental history of the planet in the last century. <...> Key words: improving vocabulary acquisition, projects, “the word-book on your mobile”, environmental history. <...> The first explores the possibilities of new technology for improving vocabulary acquisition, and I call this “the word-book on your mobile”. <...> The second provides a short course for advanced learners of English: an environmental history of the planet in the last century and an introduction to the UN’s work there. <...> This project’s working title is “the tiger in your tank”, for reasons I will explain later. <...> For simplicity, I will call these projects “The Word-Book” and “The Tiger”. <...> Students at MGU have reacted positively to the current version of The Tiger, the course on the environment. <...> Ломоносова; тел.: 8-916-952-66-04; e-mail: latimer.lion@btinternet.com 130 The Word-Book’s history The Word-Book’s origin lies thirty years back in the 1970s, where LDOCE, the Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, originated. <...> In 1970 I was hired by Tim Rix, then managing director of Longman’s ELT division, as the first manager of Longman’s dictionary department within the ELT division. <...> I knew little about ELT or language learning. <...> My main duty was to produce a better dictionary than The Advanced Learner’s Dictionary from Oxford University Press. <...> They sent me on a month’s course at International House on ELT and introduced me to their principal advisor on ELT, Professor Randolph Quirk (now Lord Quirk). <...> We gathered a small advisory group which included the Chief Inspector of English for France and David Crystal, a former student of Professor Quirk and then a lecturer at Reading University. <...> We met three or four times in those first 12 or 18 <...>