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Первый авторMeier Markus
АвторыRaymond Perruchoud, Julien Wyss
АннотацияExpansion of the Russian aluminium smelting is foreseen by using high amperage Rusal prebaked pot technology. For a high productivity of such modern smelters – thanks high amperage but also high current efёciency, but also for low energy consumption – the performance of the prebaked anodes is decisive. Bench mark anode quality is therefore critical for low metal production cost. The intrinsic quality of anodes depends on the raw materials, mainly on the coke properties, and on the production equipment and their operating parameter conditions. Based on a review of the domestic available green cokes, a prediction of the corresponding calcined coke blend and of the prebaked anode properties has been performed. Provided that a state of the art carbon plant installation is available, including the rodding shop for the butts quality, the bench mark quality of the prebaked anodes made with a representative coke blend has been deёned. This forecast of the best achievable anode quality will be the basis for technical assessments of the performance of existing and future Russian carbon plants.
Meier, M. Bench Mark Prebaked Anode Production with Russian Raw Materials / M. Meier, Perruchoud Raymond, Wyss Julien // Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Техника и технологии. Journal of Siberian Federal University. Engineering & Technologies .— 2016 .— №5 .— С. 121-133 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/455947 (дата обращения: 10.03.2025)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Engineering & Technologies, 2016, 9(5), 731-743 ~ ~ ~ УДК 669.716.9:544.6.076.324 Bench Mark Prebaked Anode Production with Russian Raw Materials Markus Meier*, Raymond Perruchoud and Julien Wyss R&D Carbon Ltd P.O. Box 362, CH-3960, Sierre, Switzerland Received 02.03.2016, received in revised form 27.05.2016, accepted 04.07.2016 Expansion of the Russian aluminium smelting is foreseen by using high amperage Rusal prebaked pot technology. <...> For a high productivity of such modern smelters – thanks high amperage but also high current effi ciency, but also for low energy consumption – the performance of the prebaked anodes is decisive. <...> Bench mark anode quality is therefore critical for low metal production cost. <...> The intrinsic quality of anodes depends on the raw materials, mainly on the coke properties, and on the production equipment and their operating parameter conditions. <...> Based on a review of the domestic available green cokes, a prediction of the corresponding calcined coke blend and of the prebaked anode properties has been performed. <...> Provided that a state of the art carbon plant installation is available, including the rodding shop for the butts quality, the bench mark quality of the prebaked anodes made with a representative coke blend has been defi ned. <...> This forecast of the best achievable anode quality will be the basis for technical assessments of the performance of existing and future Russian carbon plants. <...> Citation: Meier M., Perruchoud R., Wyss J. Bench mark prebaked anode production with russian raw materials, J. Sib. <...> All rights reserved * Corresponding author E-mail address: meier@rd-carbon.com # 731 # Markus Meier, Raymond Perruchoud… Bench Mark Prebaked Anode Production with Russian Raw Materials Эталонные обожженные аноды из российских сырьевых материалов Маркус Майер, Раймонд Перручоуд, Джулиан Висс R&D Carbon Ltd P.O. Box 362, CH-3960, Sierre, Switzerland Планируется выполнить расширение российской алюминиевой промышленности за счет технологии электролизеров РУСАЛа с большой силой тока и обожженными анодами. <...> Introduction The changes in the availability of crude oils of different natures and the evolution of the refi ning industry <...>

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* - вычисляется автоматически