Engineering & Technologies, 2016, 9(4), 489-499 ~ ~ ~ УДК 621.396 Increase of Reliability of Transfer of Blocks the Digital Information on the Hydroacoustic Communication Channel Boris I. Filippov* and Gennadiy A. Chernetsky Novosibirsk State Technical University 20 Karl Marx, Novosibirsk, 630073, Russia Received 09.03.2016, received in revised form 13.03.2016, accepted 09.04.2016 The In work it is shown that the hydroacoustic channels of impulse noise or short-term interruptions for improving the quality of data transmission can be applied different variants of convolutional and cyclic codes. <...> Convolutional codes at a rate of R ≤ 3/4 in conjunction with broadband signals (BBS) or convolutional codes R ≤ 2/3 with code interleaving algorithm can reduce the probability of an error at the output channel for the known error statistics. <...> Taking into account the energy gains from the computational complexity of encoding and interleaving of code is more favorable option “code + BBS” to 4ч5 interlaces. <...> Given the multi-bit optimal fi lter BBS, its implementation is always more diffi cult than implementing a threshold decoder trellis. <...> Keywords: hydroacoustic channel autocorrelation function (FAC) and the cross-correlation (FCC), noise-resistant codes, broadband signals (BBS), M-sequence. <...> Citation: Filippov B.I., Chernetsky G.A. Increase of reliability of transfer of blocks the digital information on the hydroacoustic communication channel, J. Sib. <...> All rights reserved * Corresponding author E-mail address: # 489 # Boris I. Filippov and Gennadiy A. Chernetsky. <...> Increase of Reliability of Transfer of Blocks the Digital Information… Повышение достоверности передачи блоков цифровой информации по гидроакустическому каналу связи Б. <...> С учетом энергетического выигрыша от кодирования и вычислительной сложности перемежения кода выгоднее вариант “код + ШПС” до 4ч5 перемежений. <...> Ключевые слова: гидроакустический канал, функции автокорреляции (ФАК) и взаимной корреляции (ФЗК), помехоустойчивые коды, широкополосные сигналы (ШПС), M–последовательности. 1. <...> Introduction The transfer of a fi nal set of code words known on the reception party (these words may contain from 4th to 128 symbols, number of words 16 ч 128 [1]), is possible by use of some code words of any block <...>