Engineering & Technologies, 2016, 9(4), 481-488 ~ ~ ~ УДК 629.7.058.53 On-Site Predominant Method of Observer Status in the Echo-Signals Parametric Space Igor V. Lyutikova Vladimir A. Kopylova , and Valeriy V. <...> Zamaraevb aSiberian Federal University ASD troops Central Research Institute of the Russian Federation Defense Ministry 32 Nabereznaya Afanasiya Nikitina, Tver, 170026, Russia Received 03.03.2016, received in revised form 17.04.2016, accepted 06.05.2016 The article suggests the total method based on current information on the maintenance mode and signs of maneuvering targets, allowing to assess the situation, open training and the willingness of the enemy to launch interceptor missiles into far dogfi ght. <...> Shows the relevance of the further implementation of the method is based upon the development of additional algorithms of decision-making support pilot on the defensive and offensive actions (selecting RADAR modes) in information-management systems for retrofi t and advanced fi ghter jets to engage in preemptive provisions of observer in parametric space taken by ECHO-signals and subsequent effective attack. <...> Keywords: escorts, maneuvering, dogfi ght, attack, decision support, RADAR. information management, Citation: Lyutikov I.V., Kopylov V.A., Zamaraev V.V. <...> On-site predominant method of observer status in the echo-signals parametric space, J. <...> All rights reserved * Corresponding author E-mail address: 79 Svobodny, Krasnoyarsk, 660041, Russia b # 481 # Igor V. Lyutikov, Vladimir A. Kopylov… <...> On-Site Predominant Method of Observer Status in the Echo-Signals Parametric… <...> Метод занятия преимущественного положения наблюдателя в параметрическом пространстве принимаемых эхо-сигналов И.В. Лютикова , В.А. Копылова , В.В. Замараевб аСибирский федеральный университет Россия, 660041, Красноярск, пр. <...> Набережная Афанасия Никитина, 32 В статье предложен <...>