Engineering & Technologies, 2016, 9(4), 462-469 ~ ~ ~ УДК 623.396 Modernizing the Global Approximation Method of Posterior Probability Density for Oscillator Synchronization Purposes Alexander V. Ryabov*, Pavel A. Fedyunin and Maxim Y. Presnyakov Military Training and Research Center of the Air Force «Air Force Academy ft. Professor N.E. Zhukovsky and Y.A. Gagarin» 54a Starykh Bol’shevikov Str., Voronezh, 394064, Russia Received 16.02.2016, received in revised form 09.03.2016, accepted 06.03.2016 The article introduces modernizing the global approximation method of the posterior probability density function in the implementation of phase-locked loop algorithms which improves the accuracy of clock synchronization in telecommunication networks, and reduces the time of entering into synchronism. <...> Keywords: clock synchronization; synchronism. phase-locked loop; the global approximation; fi ltering; Citation: Ryabov A.V., Fedyunin P.A., Presnyakov M.Y. Modernizing the global approximation method of posterior probability density for oscillator synchronization purposes, J. Sib. <...> All rights reserved * Corresponding author E-mail address: # 462 # Alexander V. Ryabov, Pavel A. Fedyunin… Modernizing the Global Approximation Method of Posterior Probability… Модернизация метода интегральной аппроксимации апостериорной плотности вероятности в задачах тактовой синхронизации генераторов А. <...> Introduction In modern telecommunication networks the quality of data transmission largely depends upon the accuracy of clock synchronization. <...> Furthermore, in high-speed networks in order to provide the minimum synchronization time at the start and the minimum time of a sync recovery process in case of a breakdown, the synchronization requirements are becoming more severe. <...> Solving oscillator clock synchronization problems in telecommunication networks is normally based upon designing a phase-locked loop system of oscillator frequency at the receiver site. <...> At the receiver site of the communication channel there is a mixture of desired signal and noise: () ( ) ()tn (t1 )·n0 (t2 )] = (N0 /2)·δ(t2 – t1 ) [1]. ξ = , +ϕ, (3) where n0(t) is the AWGN determined by external noise, with the expected value with zero mean and the correlation M[n0 In order to create a self-oscillator phase-locked loop system at the receiver site it is necessary to obtain an optimal fi ltering algorithm for a received signal phase φ(t <...>