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Электричество  / №1 2016

Keller-Dykhne method of inversion to define integral parameters of multi-electrode two-dimensional systems (250,00 руб.)

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Первый авторKlyamkin
АннотацияA new method to calculate integral parameters for two-dimensional multi-electrode structures having symmetry axes or planes (conductivity, capacitance etc.) has been proposed. The method is based on a simultaneous solution of algebraic equations for original and inverted systems (structures) connected between them according to the principle of rotatory invariance of two-dimensional potential and solenoidal fields. Then unknown formulas obtained on the basis of this method for calculation of linear capacitance of a series of systems have been compiled in table showed in the Appendix. The method makes it possible to extend the scope of application of Thompson—Lampard theorem on mutual partial capacitance per unit length in a system containing four cylindrical conducting plates with symmetry planes. New solutions found on the basis of Thompson—Lampard theorem may be used to solve a wider range of problems in electric engineering. The connection between exact solutions of symmetric multi-electrode systems and geometric parameters of regular polygons enables us to study the properties of similar systems without performing additional calculations. The method may be used for calculation of not only linear capacitance but other integral parameters of two-dimensional physical systems under different conditions of symmetry and medium features distribution
Klyamkin, S.S. Keller-Dykhne method of inversion to define integral parameters of multi-electrode two-dimensional systems / S.S. Klyamkin // Электричество .— 2016 .— №1 .— С. 35-43 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/455883 (дата обращения: 12.03.2025)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

A new method to calculate integral parameters for two-dimensional multi-electrode structures having symmetry axes or planes (conductivity, capacitance etc.) has been proposed. <...> The method is based on a simultaneous solution of algebraic equations for original and inverted systems (structures) connected between them according to the principle of rotatory invariance of two-dimensional potential and solenoidal fields. <...> Then unknown formulas obtained on the basis of this method for calculation of linear capacitance of a series of systems have been compiled in table showed in the Appendix. <...> The method makes it possible to extend the scope of application of ThompsonLampard theorem on mutual partial capacitance per unit length in a system containing four cylindrical conducting plates with symmetry planes. <...> New solutions found on the basis of ThompsonLampard theorem may be used to solve a wider range of problems in electric engineering. <...> The connection between exact solutions of symmetric multi-electrode systems and geometric parameters of regular polygons enables us to study the properties of similar systems without performing additional calculations. <...> The method may be used for calculation of not only linear capacitance but other integral parameters of two-dimensional physical systems under different conditions of symmetry and medium features distribution! <...>