Национальный цифровой ресурс Руконт - межотраслевая электронная библиотека (ЭБС) на базе технологии Контекстум (всего произведений: 608268)
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Первый авторPoluboyarov
АвторыZoya A., Alexander A., Victor A.
АннотацияIntramold Hadёeld steel modiёcation with different disperse modiёers containing boron, tungsten and titanium carbides, ferrotitanium and carbon as the active phase has been carried out. To improve the wettability, modiёers have been preliminary treated with copper powder in a planetary centrifugal mill. It has been revealed that the microstructure of steel samples produced contains austenite and carbides precipitating inside and along the grain boundaries. Considerable increase of tensile strength by 14.5, 18.0 and 9.0 % is characteristic for steel samples treated with modiёers containing boron carbide (active phase concentration – 0.056 %), mixture of tungsten and titanium carbides (0.033 %) and titanium carbide (0.083 %), correspondingly. Besides, the application of the mixture of tungsten and titanium carbides has allowed improving percent elongation by 40 %. The application of modiёers containing boron carbide and mixture of tungsten and titanium carbides favours uniform distribution of carbides and considerable decrease of grain size; grain size (according State Standard 5639) corresponds to two points (actual medium grain diameter is 0.387-0.694 and 0.338-0.581 mm correspondingly). The size of test sample grain is more than three points (actual medium grain diameter is 2.325-3.168 mm). Steel grain in the other modiёed samples corresponds to three and more points.
Nanodisperse Hadёeld (110G13L) Steel Modiёcation / VladimirA. Poluboyarov [и др.] // Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Техника и технологии. Journal of Siberian Federal University. Engineering & Technologies .— 2016 .— №1 .— С. 117-125 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/454515 (дата обращения: 10.03.2025)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Korotaevaa , and Victor A. Kuznetzovb aInstitute of Solid State Chemistry and Mechanochemistry LTD “Sibelectroterm” Received 20.08.2015, received in revised form 16.10.2015, accepted 25.01.2016 Intramold Hadfi eld steel modifi cation with different disperse modifi ers containing boron, tungsten and titanium carbides, ferrotitanium and carbon as the active phase has been carried out. <...> To improve the wettability, modifi ers have been preliminary treated with copper powder in a planetary centrifugal mill. <...> Considerable increase of tensile strength by 14.5, 18.0 and 9.0 % is characteristic for steel samples treated with modifi ers containing boron carbide (active phase concentration – 0.056 %), mixture of tungsten and titanium carbides (0.033 %) and titanium carbide (0.083 %), correspondingly. <...> The application of modifi ers containing boron carbide and mixture of tungsten and titanium carbides favours uniform distribution of carbides and considerable decrease of grain size; grain size (according State Standard 5639) corresponds to two points (actual medium grain diameter is 0.387-0.694 and 0.338-0.581 mm correspondingly). <...> The size of test sample grain is more than three points (actual medium grain diameter is 2.325-3.168 mm). <...> Keywords: grain size, tensile strength, disperse modifi cation, tungsten, titanium and boron carbides, copper, mechanochemical treatment, modifi er, elongation, SHS, Hadfi eld steel, ferrotitanium. <...> All rights reserved * Corresponding author E-mail address: sanych@solid.nsc.ru 18 Kutateladze Str., Novosibirsk, 630128, Russia b 51 Petukhov Str., Novosibirsk, 630088, Russia # 117 # Vladimir A.Poluboyarov, Zoya A. <...> Nanodisperse Hadfi eld (110G13L) Steel Modifi cation Нанодисперсное модифицирование стали 110Г13Л В.А. Полубоярова А.А. <...> Петухова, 51 Проведено внутриформенное модифицирование стали 110Г13Л различными дисперсными модификаторами, содержащими <...>