Национальный цифровой ресурс Руконт - межотраслевая электронная библиотека (ЭБС) на базе технологии Контекстум (всего произведений: 608268)
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Первый авторZhusupbekova
АннотацияThe article deals with Gertler vortices in the boundary layer of яuid applied typical range of variation of the wavelength of the vortices. Formulated boundary problem for the typical shortwavelength regime. The development of vortices Gertler in compressible, especially hypersonic яows, attracted by now considerable interest in the development of new technologies, namely the creation of new supersonic little turbulent wind tunnel and the design of hypersonic aircraft, which detect the position of the laminar-turbulent transition and ёnding the distributions and peak values of the heat яows are key elements. In this article the mathematical model describing the nonlinear stage of development of disturbances in compressible boundary layer in the ёeld of centrifugal forces at large, but subcritical Reynolds numbers and Gertler. This model is designed for the description of the vortices Gertler, and to describe the perturbed яows about local or periodic irregularities in the transverse direction or the other spatial disturbed яow. For small amplitudes of perturbations of nonlinear boundary value problems are reduced to linear problems of the theory of stability, which so far developed only in fragments. Based on the method of matched asymptotic expansions we studied some linear modes of perturbations in the ёeld of centrifugal forces. In particular, The role of the transition temperature layer in the development of disturbances in hypersonic яows. At the same time, the experimental studies suggest the occurrence of other possible forms of perturbed vortex movement of gas that requires further research.
Zhusupbekova, SamaraT. The Issue Flow Concave Surface Flow in Compressible Fluid / SamaraT. Zhusupbekova // Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Техника и технологии. Journal of Siberian Federal University. Engineering & Technologies .— 2016 .— №1 .— С. 32-38 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/454509 (дата обращения: 10.03.2025)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Engineering & Technologies, 2016, 9(1), 32-38 ~ ~ ~ УДК 532.546 The Issue Flow Concave Surface Flow in Compressible Fluid Samara T. Zhusupbekova* Kyrgyz National Agrarian University im. <...> Skryabina 68 Mederova, Bishkek, 720005, Kyrgyzstan Received 12.03.2015, received in revised form 27.07.2015, accepted 20.11.2015 The article deals with Gertler vortices in the boundary layer of fl uid applied typical range of variation of the wavelength of the vortices. <...> Formulated boundary problem for the typical shortwavelength regime. <...> The development of vortices Gertler in compressible, especially hypersonic fl ows, attracted by now considerable interest in the development of new technologies, namely the creation of new supersonic little turbulent wind tunnel and the design of hypersonic aircraft, which detect the position of the laminar-turbulent transition and fi nding the distributions and peak values of the heat fl ows are key elements. <...> In this article the mathematical model describing the nonlinear stage of development of disturbances in compressible boundary layer in the fi eld of centrifugal forces at large, but subcritical Reynolds numbers and Gertler. <...> This model is designed for the description of the vortices Gertler, and to describe the perturbed fl ows about local or periodic irregularities in the transverse direction or the other spatial disturbed fl ow. <...> For small amplitudes of perturbations of nonlinear boundary value problems are reduced to linear problems of the theory of stability, which so far developed only in fragments. <...> Based on the method of matched asymptotic expansions we studied some linear modes of perturbations in the fi eld of centrifugal forces <...>