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Первый авторRomanova
АннотацияDue to the increased attention to the problems of studying the culture of memory and the centennium since the beginning of the First World War, the author examines the work of the Military-Industrial Committees and the railway workshops, “shoe” and the food crises, unemployment, charity in Siberian reserve regiments and treatment of the war prisoners. The paper also analyzes the resulting necessity to struggle with alcohol consumption during the wartime. The author studied the publication of newspapers, theater activities and work with political exiles, influencing the developed public consciousness in Yeniseysk Governorate. As a result there is an understanding of not only assistance to the front, but also of how the population of Yeniseysk Governorate and refugees survived during the war years.
Romanova, ElenaA. The Rear Area of Yeniseysk Governorate in the First World War Period / ElenaA. Romanova // Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Гуманитарные науки. Journal of Siberian Federal University, Humanities& Social Sciences .— 2016 .— №6 .— С. 92-100 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/453635 (дата обращения: 13.03.2025)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Humanities & Social Sciences 8 (2016 9) 1790-1798 ~ ~ ~ УДК 908 The Rear Area of Yeniseysk Governorate in the First World War Period Elena A. Romanova* Krasnoyarsk State Institute of Arts 22 Lenina Str., Krasnoyarsk, 660049, Russia Received 14.03.2016, received in revised form 27.05.2016, accepted 29.07.2016 Due to the increased attention to the problems of studying the culture of memory and the centennium since the beginning of the First World War, the author examines the work of the Military-Industrial Committees and the railway workshops, “shoe” and the food crises, unemployment, charity in Siberian reserve regiments and treatment of the war prisoners. <...> The paper also analyzes the resulting necessity to struggle with alcohol consumption during the wartime. <...> The author studied the publication of newspapers, theater activities and work with political exiles, influencing the developed public consciousness in Yeniseysk Governorate. <...> As a result there is an understanding of not only assistance to the front, but also of how the population of Yeniseysk Governorate and refugees survived during the war years. <...> Keywords: the First World War, the rear area of Yeniseysk Governorate, the emergence of new social organizations. <...> General crisis of capitalism, the unevenness of its development, the fight between two military-political blocs for influence and for colonies led to the First World War. <...> All rights reserved * Corresponding author E-mail address: afinaadr@mail.ru – 1790 – Elena A. Romanova. <...> The Rear Area of Yeniseysk Governorate in the First World War Period in historical science and the mass public consciousness. <...> Thirdly, one of the basic elements of value consciousness of modern society as oriented mostly towards consumerism is a “cult of youth”. <...> Yeniseysk Governorate and Krasnoyarsk were no exception in this case. <...> Military industry of the country and regions was not ready for a long war, so a year after the outbreak of the First World War, Krasnoyarsk saw the creation of Regional Military-Industrial Committee headed by the Chairman – P.I. Gadalov. <...> But even in these conditions, in October 1915 Krasnoyarsk railway workshops had to cast 8500 cast iron bombs and create 40,000 cases for hand grenades. <...> Krasnoyarsk Technical School was to produce 250 cast iron bombs and 250 lead washers for grenades [Romanova, 2014, p. 26]. <...> The state railways in the early 20th century left much to be desired and in wartime <...>