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Первый авторIarosh
АннотацияThe experience of synaesthetic analysis of the symphonic poem “Les préludes” by F. Liszt is represented in the article. This method is based on the study of the phenomenon of synaesthesia, determined by the mechanism of various sensations interaction and synaesthesis as properties of non-verbal thinking, and includes the study of the musical text, as well as analysis of the characteristics of different musical sound modalities. Using it, the peculiarities of the development of deep and psychological plan that do not depend on programmaticity, but are connected with the direct perception of sounding music are revealed in the composition. Synaesthetic analysis gives opportunity to introduce intonation development of the composition, determined by the monothematic principle as a continuous and comprehensive process, full of diverse synaesthetic overtones, based on smooth mutual transitions of contrasting images.
Iarosh, OlgaV. “Les Préludes” by F. Liszt: the Experience of Synaesthetic Analysis / OlgaV. Iarosh // Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Гуманитарные науки. Journal of Siberian Federal University, Humanities& Social Sciences .— 2016 .— №6 .— С. 75-84 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/453633 (дата обращения: 13.03.2025)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Humanities & Social Sciences 8 (2016 9) 1773-1782 ~ ~ ~ УДК 78.01 “Les Prйludes” by F. Liszt: the Experience of Synaesthetic Analysis Olga V. Iarosh* Krasnoyarsk State Institute of Arts 22 Lenina Str., Krasnoyarsk, 660049, Russia Received 20.03.2016, received in revised form 19.04.2016, accepted 31.05.2016 The experience of synaesthetic analysis of the symphonic poemLes prйludes” by F. Liszt is represented in the article. <...> This method is based on the study of the phenomenon of synaesthesia, determined by the mechanism of various sensations interaction and synaesthesis as properties of non-verbal thinking, and includes the study of the musical text, as well as analysis of the characteristics of different musical sound modalities. <...> Using it, the peculiarities of the development of deep and psychological plan that do not depend on programmaticity, but are connected with the direct perception of sounding music are revealed in the composition. <...> Synaesthetic analysis gives opportunity to introduce intonation development of the composition, determined by the monothematic principle as a continuous and comprehensive process, full of diverse synaesthetic overtones, based on smooth mutual transitions of contrasting images. <...> Recently, a tendency connected with comprehension of the detailed scope of artistic imagery has become more relevant in musicology. <...> Unlike external – logos and structural side of musical text, an internal plan of expressiveness is determined by the patterns of non-verbal thinking and requires a different approach for its comprehension. <...> Methods borrowed from phenomenology and psychology – psychosemantics and psychosemiotics that form the direction of psychomusicology in musical science, the focus of which attention is considering intonation © Siberian Federal University. <...> All rights reserved * Corresponding author E-mail address: oliga23k1@yandex.ru – 1773 – processes in music and development of intramusical semantics (the works by E. Kurth, E. Nazaikinsky and V. Medushevsky) are quite productive in this case. <...> Synaesthetic method developed by N. Koliadenko, based on the works by A. Wellek and B. Galeev, is in the context of this range of problems. <...> This method is based on the study of the phenomena of synaesthesia and synaesthicity determined by the mechanism of interaction of different sensations and includes the analysis of characteristics of different modalities of musical sound into the study of musical text. <...> It provides Olga V. Iarosh. “Les Prйludes” by F. Liszt: the Experience of Synaesthetic Analysis an opportunity to identify the peculiarities of psychological <...>