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Первый авторMaergoizand
АвторыRem G.
АннотацияThe article studies the problem of distributing the limited socio-economic resource using mathematical methods. The aspects of morals and justice can play a significant role in considering these problems. Such situation appears mostly when the consumers of the resource are groups of people in differentiated conditions. In this case, proportional distribution of the resource cannot be “ fair” and the problem of searching for the distribution algorithm occurs, which would satisfy all groups, – the so called indicator of “happiness”.
Maergoizand, LevS. The Indicator of “Happiness” in the Resource-based Economy: an Extreme Approach / LevS. Maergoizand, G. Rem // Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Гуманитарные науки. Journal of Siberian Federal University, Humanities& Social Sciences .— 2016 .— №6 .— С. 41-47 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/453629 (дата обращения: 13.03.2025)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Humanities & Social Sciences 8 (2016 9) 1739-1745 ~ ~ ~ УДК 33.012.8:519.16 The Indicator of “Happiness” in the Resource-based Economy: an Extreme Approach Lev S. Maergoiza b and Rem G. Khleboprosa,b Siberian Federal University * a 79 Svobodny, Krasnoyarsk, 660041, Russia Presidium of Krasnoyarsk Research Centre of SB RAS 50 Akademgorodok, Krasnoyarsk, 660036, Russia Received 03.04.2016, received in revised form 18.06.2016, accepted 30.06.2016 The article studies the problem of distributing the limited socio-economic resource using mathematical methods. <...> The aspects of morals and justice can play a significant role in considering these problems. <...> In this case, proportional distribution of the resource cannot be “ fair” and the problem of searching for the distribution algorithm occurs, which would satisfy all groups, – the so called indicator of “happiness”. <...> A. Smith This problem is particularly acute in cases of emergency when the situation requires an “automatic” process of distribution of humanitarian aid between the areas affected by a natural disaster to a different extent. <...> The first ones to need the distribution of the humanitarian aid will be the most affected part of the population. <...> Since the inhabitants of the disaster areas need the humanitarian resources to a different extent, it is necessary to consider the moral aspect of this problem during the © Siberian Federal University. <...> For example, investors have united into a team to participate in the construction of residential houses and are employed by the same firm. <...> By the decision of the company management, investors are divided Lev S. Maergoiz, Rem G. Khlebopros. <...> The Indicator of “Happiness” in the Resource-based Economy: an Extreme Approach into groups depending on their job experience. <...> On the other hand, in market conditions the company-developer faces a problem of obtaining the desired rate of return in real estate sales (e.g. residential building). <...> This requires solving the problem of distribution of the cost of 1 sq. m of real estate parts depending on their prestige (e.g. different categories of flats of a residential house). <...> Grading of the real estate parts on the basis of prestige can be obtained as a result of systemic studies of the offers of real estate agencies and other developers. <...> Thus, in one case, there are groups of investors with a variety of benefits, and in the other, a category of investors seeking for different parts of real estate in terms <...>