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Первый авторLouriй
АннотацияThis article is about the hypothesis of a generalized cultural script that permeates all aspects of personal and social life. A generalized cultural script is culture-speciёc and is formed in the human consciousness during socialization and enculturation. It happens when special cultural event scripts are condensed and generalized in the person’s consciousness. The article studies a cultural context for the functioning of a generalized cultural script, or a sociocultural system consisting of different types of artefacts and presenting, generally, a system of intentions. The generalized cultural script itself is seen as an intentional artefact system that transforms a human into an intentional personality. It sets the problem of the relation between intentionality of the human world and freedom of will.
УДК130.2 + 159.9.01
Louriй, S.V. Culture as a Field of Human Action (An Essay Concerning the Construction of Psychoculturalogical Theory) / S.V. Louriй // Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Гуманитарные науки. Journal of Siberian Federal University, Humanities& Social Sciences .— 2016 .— №4 .— С. 133-149 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/450079 (дата обращения: 14.03.2025)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Humanities & Social Sciences 4 (2016 9) 837-853 ~ ~ ~ УДК 130.2 + 159.9.01 Culture as a Field of Human Action (An Essay Concerning the Construction of Psychoculturalogical Theory) Svetlana V. Louriй* Sociological Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences 25/14, 7th Krasnoyarmeyskaya Str., St. Petersburg, 190005, Russia Received 07.01.2016, received in revised form 19.02.2016, accepted 14.03.2016 This article is about the hypothesis of a generalized cultural script that permeates all aspects of personal and social life. <...> A generalized cultural script is culture-specifi c and is formed in the human consciousness during socialization and enculturation. <...> It happens when special cultural event scripts are condensed and generalized in the person’s consciousness. <...> The article studies a cultural context for the functioning of a generalized cultural script, or a sociocultural system consisting of different types of artefacts and presenting, generally, a system of intentions. <...> The generalized cultural script itself is seen as an intentional artefact system that transforms a human into an intentional personality. <...> It sets the problem of the relation between intentionality of the human world and freedom of will. <...> Keywords: generalized cultural script, sociocultural system, cultural constants, intentional world, intentional personality, set, artefact, cognition, enculturation, freedom of will. <...> The question on the interconnection between culture and psychology seems trivial, as the interconnection is evident. <...> For many decades anthropologists have been suggesting different versions attempting to explain the interconnection between culture and psychology, but all of them were disposed of one by one. <...> Back in psychological anthropology there were several concepts of intracultural integrators that reduced personality and culture to common denominator by pointing out such dominating personal peculiarities of a culture’s members, as “basic personality structure”, “modal personality” and others. <...> Culture as a Field of Human Action… “modal personality structure” (Inkeles, Levinson 1969: 427-428). <...> For a long while after that the connection between culture and psychology was considered nonexistent or, in any case, to be ignored or possible to factor out without prejudice to science, as it was believed that psychology did not make a direct impact on the functioning of culture, just like culture made no direct impact on the formation and functioning of human psyche, and all the so-called cultural-psychological processes were nothing but a phantom. <...> Then <...>