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Первый авторGruzdev
АвторыKonukhova A.V., Podyapolskiy S.A.
АннотацияThe authors study a complex and partly contradictory process of modern India’s soft power formation. They focus on such components as Bollywood (Indian “dream factory”), music and dance, fabrics and attributes, diamond industry, Bangalore (territory of innovative technologies development) and internal and external policy. The conception of three socio-cultural images of “India’s soft power” serves the methodological basis of the work. The ёrst one relates to colonial India, the country’s historical past and the ideas of oriental luxury. The second one is associated with the policy of non-violent resistance. The third one comprises all the variety of modern information technologies. The authors come to the conclusion that a harmonious balance of the three images and synthesis of various components contribute to strengthening of India’s soft power.
Gruzdev, A.A. India’s Soft Power: Images and Components / A.A. Gruzdev, A.V. Konukhova, S.A. Podyapolskiy // Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Гуманитарные науки. Journal of Siberian Federal University, Humanities& Social Sciences .— 2015 .— №8 .— С. 204-217 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/447690 (дата обращения: 30.06.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Humanities & Social Sciences 8 (2015 8) 1724-1737 ~ ~ ~ УДК 304(540) India’s Soft Power: Images and Components Andrey A. Gruzdeva Anastasiya V. Konukhovab , and Sergey A. Podyapolskiyc aSiberian Federal University * 79 Svobodny, Krasnoyarsk, 660041, Russia bState Scientifi c Library of Krasnoyarsk Krai 114 Karl Marx Str., Krasnoyarsk, 660017, Russia c Law fi rm “Crisis Management Group” 8 Maerchak Str., Krasnoyarsk, 660075, Russia Received 12.04.2015, received in revised form 29.04.2015, accepted 19.05.2015 The authors study a complex and partly contradictory process of modern India’s soft power formation. <...> They focus on such components as Bollywood (Indian “dream factory”), music and dance, fabrics and attributes, diamond industry, Bangalore (territory of innovative technologies development) and internal and external policy. <...> The second one is associated with the policy of non-violent resistance. <...> The third one comprises all the variety of modern information technologies. <...> The authors come to the conclusion that a harmonious balance of the three images and synthesis of various components contribute to strengthening of India’s soft power. <...> Keywords: soft power, Indian policy, Indian culture, Russian-Indian relations, Bollywood, diamond market, IT outsourcing, cultural wars, a socio-cultural image. <...> These are M. Gandhi’s theory of nonviolent resistance, the conceptions of “soft power” (J.S. Nye, Jr.), “cultural wars” (P. Buchanan, I. Thomson), humanitarian technologies (P.V. Klachkov), etc. <...> Andrey A. Gruzdev, Anastasiya V. Konukhova… India’s “Soft Power”: Images and Components Hypothesis We hypothesize that various components of India’s soft power can be brought into correlation with three main images. <...> In this image India is a beautiful woman, attracting European gentlemen. <...> Feminine traits of this image are obvious as it is associated with oriental exotics – philosophical and religious teachings and practices, music, cinema, dance, cuisine, etc. <...> The second image is connected with M. Gandhi’s activity and non-aligned movement. <...> The features of this image are inner strength, independence, and determination. <...> Its recognizable elements are non-violent resistance, multiethnic democracy <...>

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